
The 4 th session with Yuta Minami a therapist

Moan to the lost father 

Today was my 4th session with my therapist on how I lost my father... 

My father had pushed me into a water when I was only two years old. 

I was so unaware of this violence until I had some similar experience in my climbing.

I never knew it was the oldest memory with my father.  

The memory came back to me visually, not verbally because 2 year old is too young to gain language.  

My therapist says I has to grief that I lost my father, he died inside of me... 

My honest feeling is that I never really had any father from the beginning so I did not really see the needs of griefing. 

Bad man and good man?

I can not distinguish from a good man and a bad man... which caused me a lot of troubles... being taken an advantage as a woman in my adolescent.  

This repeatedly occurs... which I would like to stop. 

I am taking a session once a week but I feel down a whole day when I have a session.... so it is really heavy on me... 

I never imagined that I need to grief that I did not have a father... who give me a protection as a kid.... because my "actual biological father " was someone who is better not to have.

I was certainly feeling sorry for my mom when I was a kid... for not having a breadwinner. 

But I never really felt I sad that I don't have a dad because my own particular biological father was so abusive and drunk all the time I was thankful that he was not around.... better not to have him. 

So the negative side of not having a protection from male parent  was a blind spot.

I was so thankful that he, my father, as an individual was not around but that's does not eliminate the healthy mental need for a young child of needing to be supported by someone stronger than she/he is. 

I was just sad and feeling vulnerable, that I did not have any father like figure ...  a protection.

Being a climber put me into the same situation as my childhood...when you are stepping up the ladder of climber, you need a step-by-step support from the other climbers... like a secure belay is what everyone needs from the beginning to the end. 

And I never had any reliable belayer on my own.  The partners I have gotten was a bad belayer or someone who has less skills of protecting his climbing partner.   

When my climbing partner put me in a crisis I felt a despair... a sort of... that I felt very very powerless that I can be easily pushed toward death. 

But think of it, is it really correct? 

No, I can take care of myself now as  a climber, saying no to dangerous plan and not safe climbing ... 

Now the question is why I am seemed to be attracted toward those climbers who is obviously dangerous.... I feel obliged to save them. 

This feeling... being obliged to correct them and save them from doing wrong, is still a big mystery to me too.... 

I just don't know why I feel this way.




















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