





I love this story so much! A bunch of climbers and hippies rally together, get creative and ultimately negotiate a deal to save a valley not unlike Yosemite. This path for this was paved by conservationists showing the locals that the land was more valuable intact than used for extractive industries. A dam was planned up the valley. Roads and power infrastructure were to be built.  The developer was convinced by the climbers and hippies to sell it into protection. It’s taken years of work, lawsuits, and a ton of creativity to pull this off. 

Imagine being able to buy Yosemite for $63 million! Seems like a good deal to me. But we still need to raise the money. It’s rare to come across a land protection issue with such a simple solution. All we need is the funds. This should be a no brainer for the climbing community. 

I’m likely going to be talking about this quite a bit in the future. For now, If you want to donate go to the link in my bio.


私はこの物語が大好きだ!クライマーとヒッピーの一団が結集し、創意工夫を凝らし、最終的にはヨセミテとは似ても似つかない渓谷を救うために交渉する。この道は、自然保護活動家たちが、この土地が採取産業に利用されるよりもそのままの方が価値があることを地元の人々に示すことによって切り開かれた。渓谷にはダムが建設される予定だった。道路や電力インフラも建設される予定だった。 開発業者は登山家やヒッピーたちに説得され、保護区に売却した。これを成し遂げるには、長年の努力と訴訟、そして膨大な創造性が必要だった。


