
My health problem Updates B12 and Anamia

Knee dislocation and Anemia and Depression

Bad things comes in series... after I have gone to a trad sea cliff, in Kishira, Kagoshima with my climbing mentor, in 2019, I got a toned muscle in my right knee, there, I got another injury, a knee dislocation in the same leg, right leg, and then, I became very weak and sick, because of this anemia, caused by B12 and folic acid deficiency... 

My right leg first got weakend because of mussle strain... I had drived 4 to 5 hours straight and landed on the sea cliff with heavy pac on my back... so my muscle could not bare the weight. 

This is me reading 5.7 trad with injured leg.

I got injured even before I climb a climb.

so this is what happened. 

I had to stay in bed full two month, without any excercise. 

so This made me very weak.

After this injury, back them my climbing partner wanted to go to outdoor bouldering, and I dislocated my right leg knee, on landing from a boulder. 

I guess going to bouldering was a bad choice, I should have taken advantage of rope climbing. 

It was a really sad thing...  But I took this injury as a message that I am climbing with wrong people.  My mentor did not listened to me that I kept tellling him that I need to go see a doctor, so I could not go home for 2 days... also my climbing partner was a guy does not really understand climbing... he was interested in attracting people and getting approvemnet than enjoying climbing itself. He was a kind of person who is so proud of falling on 3 cams and they popping off, since it was poorly set. I was simply does not agree with climbing ethic with them. 

Two year off from climbing

After this knee injury, he stopped asking me for climbing so I was forcusing on my recovery.

But it does not cure at all... I stated to feel strang about it... injury should be cured about half a year or so... my orthpedican assuremed with X ray, that my knee is OK.

But I was feeling unstability on my knee and felt if I climb now, I will destroy my entire climbing life. 

so I was swimming and bicycling... but it was so strange that I don't get better sooner. 

Then, in 2022 winter, I became very depressive... like I want to kill myself.  There was another time I wanted to kill myself...it was long time ago, but I remembered that feeling so I realized this is a serious depression... 

Did I do something unusual... ? I asked myself and realized that I did became a vegan in this 4 years. 

I consulted a doctor in orthomolecular medicine and the test on my blood, and it said B12 and folic acid deficient, led to Anamia... my red blood cell was huge.  The test suggested also, I did not have enough protein and B6, magnesium and zinc.  

I was so surprised since I was totally confident about being vegan. But back then, I wasn't feeling good at all... I did not feel like going outdoor... 

so I changed my diet toward eating meat...  Now it's been half a year since I started to take vitamins and meat... based on the orthomolecurlar medicine theory... 

This is the vitamins I am taking currently;

  Vitamin C 1000mg X 3 times each meal

  Vitamin B 50  X 1 a day

  Citrate Magnesium  X 1 a day

  Zinc  X 1 a day 

I am going through my 2nd time blood test now, and to see how much improved. 

Meanwhile, my right knee doesn't feel right yet... even though it's been over 2 years now after the injury. 

I got a lot of time to think for this two years... I was teaching Yoga as my occupation but I could not teach since this injury... not just being able to climb in my spare time... 

It's been toughest time in my life loosing almost everything I earned... very low time. 

Now, it seems a bit improving that I find a next hobby that I can enjoy... MTB. 

Climbing is not really no.1 activities to do in Kyusyu... since almost every crag is installed 40 year old cut anchors, only few climbs are replaced into new bolts with modern strength of 25kN.  

I was watching UIAA, ice world cup and felt like climbing again... this southern island of Japan is the worst place for a ice climber, but... it is a climb I like most. 

Also my mountain bike mates are really great, not like climbers here in Kyusu... according to them, not just me feeling so, also them, think that climbers are death wishing in Kyusyu... climbing is attracting only those people who thinks climbing to enjoy adrenaline rush... I totally disagree and I was a pretty safe climber so it is no doubt that I don't agree with them...

                                  This is truly my feeling now.....