
【米国アクセスファンドの求人】 日本に必要なのはコレ




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America’s Climbing Advocates

Access Fund is the national advocacy organization that leads and inspires the climbing community toward sustainable access and conservation of the climbing environment. Access Fund represents more than 8 million climbers nationwide in its work to protect and conserve the land, fight for sustainable access, and build a community of inspired advocates.

Access Fund was founded in 1991 to fight for legal and physical access to climbing. Today, Access Fund also works to tackle the broader challenges facing the sport to protect sustainable access for all. They work to manage climber impacts, instill a conservation ethic within the climbing community, and collaborate with land managers, Tribes, communities, and lawmakers to ensure people are able to enjoy these incredible places for generations to come.

For more information, visit: www.accessfund.org

To lead and inspire the climbing community toward sustainable access and conservation of the climbing environment.

For climbers of today and tomorrow to have the opportunity to share in the joys of climbing and get inspired to protect and care for the places we climb.

アメリカのクライミング擁護団体 アクセス・ファンドは、クライミング・コミュニティが持続可能なアクセスとクライミング環境の保護に取り組むよう先導し、鼓舞する全国的なアドボカシー団体です。アクセス・ファンドは全国800万人以上のクライマーを代表し、土地の保護と保全、持続可能なクライミング・アクセスのための闘い、そして刺激的な擁護者のコミュニティづくりに取り組んでいる。 アクセス・ファンドは1991年、クライミングへの合法的かつ物理的なアクセスのために設立された。今日、アクセス・ファンドは、すべての人のための持続可能なアクセスを守るために、クライミングが直面する幅広い課題にも取り組んでいる。クライマーがクライミングに与える影響を管理し、クライミング・コミュニティに自然保護倫理を浸透させ、土地管理者、部族、地域社会、法律家と協力しながら、人々が何世代にもわたって素晴らしい場所を楽しめるよう取り組んでいる。 詳しくは www.accessfund.org をご覧ください。 



Access Fund’s Work

Protect and Conserve Land: Job number one is to protect and conserve the amazing lands that give so much to climbers. That means driving legislation and regulations forward, buying threatened climbing areas, and building sustainable trails and climbing areas.

Fight for Sustainable Access: Access to climbing is not a given. It’s thousands of hours collaborating with lawmakers, land owners, and Tribal governments to protect climbing as well as the plants, animals, and traditional values that share these landscapes.

Build a Community of Climbing Advocates: A powerful movement of climbing advocacy is gaining momentum across the nation, and it’s driven by everyday climbers. Access Fund’s job is to make sure they’re the most effective advocates they can be.




持続可能なアクセスのために戦う: クライミングへのアクセスは与えられるものではありません。クライミングだけでなく、これらの景観を共有する動植物や伝統的価値を守るために、議員や土地所有者、部族政府と協力し、何千時間もの時間を費やしている。

クライミング・アドボケートのコミュニティを築く: クライミングを支持する強力な運動が全米で勢いを増しており、その原動力となっているのは一般のクライマーたちである。アクセス・ファンドの仕事は、彼らが最も効果的な擁護者であることを確認することです。

The Executive Director Opportunity

Climbing has experienced a sustained period of explosive growth and Access Fund is excited to see the community of passionate enthusiasts expanding and diversifying. The growth in number of climbers, as well as the growing love for outdoor recreation more broadly, places an increased need on Access Fund’s work to protect America’s climbing.

In support of Access Fund’s mission and goals, and in collaboration with an engaged Board of Directors, talented staff, and key partners, the Executive Director serves as a lead spokesperson on behalf of the organization, drives the vision and strategic plan, and provides the day-to-day management of the team and operations.

The Executive Director will be responsible for strategic priorities that include connecting with and activating more climbers nationally around issues of access, conservation, and stewardship; driving growth in membership and revenue; and strengthening Access Fund’s operations and administrative functions in support of continued, sustainable organizational growth.

This is an incredible opportunity to assume leadership of an established, growing nonprofit with a national reputation as a leader in conservation and access. The Executive Director will inherit a highly skilled team of staff who describe the workplace culture as supportive, passionate, and fun. Access Fund is committed to incorporating the principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) into its work to protect America’s climbing.

エグゼクティブ・ディレクターの機会 クライミングは爆発的な成長を持続しており、アクセス・ファンドは熱狂的な愛好家のコミュニティが拡大し、多様化していることに興奮している。クライマー数の増加だけでなく、アウトドア・レクリエーションへの熱意が高まるにつれ、アメリカのクライミングを保護するアクセス基金の活動に対するニーズも高まっています。 アクセス・ファンドの使命と目標をサポートし、熱心な理事会、有能なスタッフ、主要なパートナーと協力しながら、事務局長は組織を代表する主要なスポークスパーソンとして、ビジョンと戦略計画を推進し、チームと運営の日々の管理を行います。 エグゼクティブ・ディレクターは、アクセス、自然保護、スチュワードシップの問題に関して、より多くのクライマーとつながり、全国的に活性化させること、会員数と収益の成長を促進すること、継続的で持続可能な組織の成長をサポートするためにアクセス・ファンドの運営と管理機能を強化することを含む戦略的優先事項の責任を負う。 これは、保全とアクセスにおけるリーダーとして全国的に高い評価を得ている、確立され成長中の非営利団体を率いる絶好の機会です。エグゼクティブ・ディレクターは、職場の文化が協力的で、情熱的で、楽しいと語る、高いスキルを持ったスタッフ・チームを受け継ぐことになります。アクセス・ファンドは、アメリカのクライミングを保護するための活動に、正義、公平性、多様性、包括性(JEDI)の原則を取り入れることを約束します。

Reporting Relationships

The Executive Director reports to the Access Fund Board of Directors and will provide leadership to a nationally distributed team of 15 full-time staff members. The Executive Director has four direct reports, including the VP of People, Finance & Operations, VP of Marketing & Philanthropy, VP of Policy & Government Affairs, and VP of Programs & Acquisitions.

Strategy & Planning

Take a leadership role in driving a collaborative process with the Board and staff for ongoing development and execution of strategic and operational plans, to incorporate programs, policy work partnerships, communications, and fundraising.

Work collaboratively with Board, staff, political leaders, members, and partner organizations to develop long-range strategies that will address and advance the mission.

Communicate key financial and programmatic performance indicators, serve as the voice of the organization, and provide counsel as needed for important board level decision-making.

Fundraising & Membership

Review and support long- and short-term development strategies to identify, cultivate, and secure funding sources.

Generate and execute strategies to increase awareness of Access Fund and their mission in the climbing community and motivate an increasing share of climbers to join and support the organization.

Provide leadership to the development team and Board to secure financial resources necessary to ensure financial health and achievement of objectives.

Seek innovative ways to increase fundraising and participate in fundraising activities and events as the face of the organization.

Personally build loyal relationships with key donor segments based on mission, cultivation and stewardship, program outcomes, and sound financial management.

Communications & Public Relations

Serve as the organization’s chief communications officer and as the motivating force for staff, Board, partners, media, political leaders, and members.

Represent the organization and its mission in public speaking opportunities, inspiring potential partners, donors, and members to support the mission.

Speak for the organization in legislative efforts at the local, state, and federal level.
















Team Leadership & Development Foster a collaborative, mission-driven environment that engages, challenges, and supports team members in meeting organizational and personal goals. Lead staff in developing strategic objectives, implementation plans, and appropriate policies and procedures which align with the organization’s mission and vision. Build a dedicated team that is integrated and aligned with Access Fund’s mission and strengthen organizational culture through clarity of roles and responsibilities. Direct changes to the organizational structure as needed to address changing environment. Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Provide leadership and vision that advances Access Fund’s commitment to incorporate the principles of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) into its work to protect America’s climbing. Embrace and actively advance a vision for the climbing community where everyone feels safe, welcome, and included in the work to protect America’s climbing and in the places they climb. Create an internal and external culture that strives to dismantle structures that facilitate systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of bigotry and discrimination, and replace them with ones that create healing and justice. The Ideal Candidate With a deep passion for climbing and protecting the environment, the ideal Executive Director candidate brings executive-level leadership experience or relevant transferable skills and aptitude. A bachelor’s degree is required and an advanced degree in business or nonprofit or public administration is a plus. While no one candidate will possess all of the criteria below, the ideal candidate demonstrates many of the following professional and personal abilities, attributes, and experiences: Proven experience as: A successful leader and manager, preferably with experience directing and collaborating with nationally distributed staff, board, and partners. An exceptional public speaker and relationship builder with the ability to effectively communicate complex issues with a wide variety of stakeholders. A fundraiser with demonstrated success identifying, securing, and cultivating revenue from an array of sources, including major donors, corporate partners, and foundations; experience with grassroots fundraising and/or fee-for-service programs is a plus. A strategic leader with an ability to drive alignment with stakeholders around big picture visions, values, goals, and outcomes. An expert in building a brand and engaging with new audiences. A financially responsible leader skilled in developing and managing sustainable budgets and business models. A leader who is: A passionate climber with a deep personal connection to outdoor climbing, conservation, and access. Committed to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, with an understanding of the important role JEDI plays in protecting climbing areas. Collaborative with the ability to bring stakeholders together. Action oriented with a track record of success driving sustainable and scalable organizational growth. Knowledgeable about land conservation, acquisition, stewardship, and/or policy and advocacy.

チームのリーダーシップと開発 組織と個人の目標を達成するために、チームメンバーを巻き込み、挑戦させ、支援する、協力的で使命感あふれる環境を育成する。 

組織のミッションとビジョンに沿った戦略目標、実施計画、適切な方針と手順の策定においてスタッフをリードする。 役割と責任を明確にすることで、アクセス・ファンドの使命と一体化し、組織文化を強化する専門チームを構築する。 環境の変化に対応するため、必要に応じて組織構造の変更を指示する。

 正義、公平性、多様性と包括性 正義、公平性、多様性、包括性(JEDI)の原則をアメリカのクライミングを守るための活動に取り入れるというアクセス基金のコミットメントを推進するためのリーダーシップとビジョンを提供する。 







成功した指導者、管理者であり、全国に分散するスタッフ、理事会、パートナーを指揮し、協働した経験があることが望ましい。 様々な利害関係者に複雑な問題を効果的に伝えることができる、卓越したスピーチ能力および人間関係構築能力。 


大局的なビジョン、価値観、目標、成果に関してステークホルダーとの調整を推進する能力を持つ戦略的リーダー。 ブランド構築の専門家。 

持続可能な予算とビジネスモデルの開発と管理に長けた、財政的責任感のあるリーダー。 こんなリーダー 情熱的なクライマーであり、アウトドアクライミング、自然保護、アクセスに個人的に深い関わりを持っていること。

 クライミングエリアの保護においてJEDIが果たす重要な役割を理解し、正義、公平性、多様性、包括性にコミットしていること。 利害関係者をまとめる能力を持ち、協力的であること。 持続可能でスケーラブルな組織の成長を推進してきた実績を持ち、行動志向であること。 土地の保全、取得、スチュワードシップ、政策、アドボカシーに関する知識があること。

Compensation, Location & Travel The expected salary for this role is in the $150,000 – 180,000 range, dependent on location and commensurate with experience and qualifications. Access Fund offers a robust employee benefits package that includes healthcare, a 403(b) retirement plan with 3% match upon one year of service, generous paid time off, and a paid sabbatical after seven years of employment. Access Fund is headquartered in the Louisville, CO area with a nationally distributed staff. The Executive Director does not need to reside in the Boulder area but will be expected to frequently spend significant time at headquarters. Anticipated travel time outside of headquarters is estimated at 25%. To Apply Access Fund has exclusively retained CohenTaylor Executive Search Services to help conduct this search. For more information, or to submit your resume in application, please email: accessfund@cohentaylor.com. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. All inquiries will remain confidential.




