


こちらの中村りんさんの動画から抜粋です。 https://youtu.be/MvKYsyl8wfY?si=Tkw2xF0lnD8ehwGo


■ 本文

You are a worthy bait for my narcissism

I had my first depression at age 7. When I proceeded to elementally school there was not enough emotional support (attachment)from my mother, who were primary attachment giver to me as a child... I remembered that I could not mix well with the school, and went back to my kindergarten missing that days there...  

In retrospect, my depression started when my attachment was threaten, since I overcame that with crying and crying for my grand mother who was second attachment giver to me... I decided I don't know how to kill myself and my grandmother will be so sad if I die, so I  decided to live the best version of me.  

I think my mom had used this, me becoming a best version of myself, a caregiver to my siblings and to my mom, as a source of her narcissism to be fulfilled.  I was a proud of her, and I did not feel the same way to my mom.  I was not very much proud of my mom, and I knew as a child I HAD to be her source of pride or she will collapse.. if she collapse, my siblings and I as her kids will lose the mean to survive... we all need someone to attached to... 

So I accepted to be her "Source"... this feeling had gone since I independed fully from my family, but I had this same feeling when I was climbing Ao, the climbing mentor... he wanted me because "I was an asset" a good mean to go abroad, and I think I was introduced to him by the other climber, so I have been used by those people...  Now I know.  

Climbers male world is the world of competition, you use the others or being used. Because it is sooooo narcissistic... matter of fact, I think over 90 percent of climbers are narcissist including woman... they try to look "bad ass". That is not at all climbers soul and sprit actually... they got it all wring but it's such a strong temptation to pretend "bad ass" when you are so weak in your inside.

They just don't know how to be truly strong...   because they've lost the iconic something... or somebody... 

There used to be a mountain.. stands for that sprit. A difficult to climb mountain was, giving climbers trial or should I say ordeal, climber had to pass a very difficult test to be a pronounced climber, 

but now anybody can climb K2 or Mt.Everest so they've lost the truth in climbing... 

Free-climbing the same thing... now anybody can climb 5.12 so they've lost what they should really aim, a goal to climb... tritely magnificent climb. 

Instead, easily done plastic climb is a thing of boom and they are only into competition... not connected to the nature as rock nor connected to inner god of themself as a body... so sad. What is happening is so sad. 

■ 和訳: お前は私のナルシシズムにふさわしい餌である



母は、私が最高の自分になること、兄弟や母の介護者になることを、自己愛が満たされる源として利用していたのだと思う。 私は母を誇りに思っていたが、母には同じようには感じなかった。 もし母が倒れたら、母の子供である私たち兄弟は生きる術を失ってしまう。

だから私は、彼女の「源」になることを受け入れた...この感覚は、私が家族から完全に独立してからはなくなっていた。でも、クライミングの師匠であるアオに登っていた時も、同じ感覚を抱いていた...彼は、「私が海外に行くための良い手段」である「財産」だから私を必要としていた。 今ならわかる。 







