
Ice Season has come!

■ Back to Normal Life

The last night was my first Yoga teaching class since I got back from Laos.

I felt so good to be there in the studio where the people await me for my class..  Thank you everyone for coming to my class!

When I teach yoga, I feel it is them teaching me what to do.

My class is getting bigger since there is a few maternity leave teachers and the studio struggling to find teachers. We hope to find one but for a while I must hold the class a bit too many.

Usually if I do normal class, the number of the class I teach does not matter, but in hot yoga...I can not teach no more than 3 times a week... since it is winter it may be OK to teach 4 times.

Anyway, I am very very grateful of that I get to do...

■ Ice Season is in

This weekend I am going to do ice climbing for the first time in the season. 

I love ice. I had ice climbed before rock climbed...  I have 3 years of ice experience on the contrary to only 1 year of free climbing experience.

This is my other blog for ice climbing.    http://iceclmb.blogspot.jp/

I think it was wise of me to start climbing with ice since, in ice climbing all the holds are handle, of course since you are holding your ax... so for a person like me with no finger power can still enjoy.

And also the move is rather simple.

I think I will read climb Minamisawa Otaki, 30m fall this season.... I think most climbers likes ice because the rock in Japan is rather short so if you like to climb long, they go for ice.

For me, 30 m climbing seemed long but not anymore.  I get used to long one in Laos.

Now this is what I got while I was in Laos! Peztle's laser speed light. I have BD's screws already but for long route I had added some. This is not at all enough number but I count my partner's too. Now I have total 6 screws and he has 20, that will do.

■ The shade

I bought a bamboo shade that they use in GCH. 

Today I fixed it in my bedroom. How is that?
a shade from Laos

I should have gotten the doormat they use there too.

Well, the next time I go, I will buy one.

■ Big Winter Plan

And I have a big winter climbing coming up in Christmas holiday, so I should start carrying my backpack putting on some weight and start to get used to heavy boots.

There were a sad news that a young college student has died of avalanche and he was a student of Tokoudai.  My climbing mate is a young man in Tokoudai and I had ice climbed with other young guys in Tokoudai, last year in the ice candy festival.

Looking at the name, I felt relieved that it was not the name I know.

I should be paying attention on the weather with a great care... since it snowed in November here and it was the first time in 54 years, they say.

The weather is getting harder and harder to predict.  Experience does not mean anything when the weather itself is going so crazy.

In this winter holiday, I have a plan to peak hunt "Chou gatake mountain", which is the first time Northern Japanese Alps to me. I picked up this one because its location is not too deep, it is easy to get back.

Plus, my radio communication licence has arrived and I have now the call sign!

I have gone to the foot of the mountain the last year at the same season, to see what is like and get the idea how hard it might be.

I am pretty sure I can make it but since when you concentrate on climbing, your feet get weaker and mine has gotten weaker, I guess.

Time for training again!

Beginners Roof in Green Climbers Home

I wanted to take away the sound behind but I don't know how.

so this is something to give you an idea of what lime stone climbing is like.

Anyway, a climber is my friend there, and he is as strong as he could do 8A if he really tries hard,so he is kind of demonstrating how to do the beginner's roof to us, beginners.

I did this one with Yvonne later on.... both of us  freaked out! But was fun!

I did two roofs,

 Caveman 5.c with Tony
 Beginners roof with Yvonne

I am sooo glad I did this one!

ラオス 装備表 レビュー











・帰りのバス代 2万キップ




同行者はこのチップ代をけちって払っていないようだったが、先進国から来ている場合、ケチ、と嫌がられるだろう・・・ どこの国でもスクルージは嫌われるものだ。


■ 夏です








■ コーヒー豆










■ ヘアドライヤー



■ 洗濯







■ 虫除け






ハーネス ボロボロになるので、古いもの
120cmスリング 環付ビナ ×2
60cm スリング ×2

ロープ 70m → 現地でレンタル 軽量シングル60にして、長いルートの時だけ現地
カラビナ ×2
フラットソール ×2

ズボン ひざ下 ×2

テーピング 大小

クイックドロー ×10

残置用捨て縄 ×2
残置用カラビナ ×1

■ その他

サブザック       現地お買い物用バッグ
水筒      現地で1.5リットルペットボトル購入のこと



着替え 靴下4、下着5、短パン1、タイツ1、Tシャツ3 長袖  多すぎこんなにいらない



虫除けスプレー  GCHで購入がベター






Thanks to the people I met!

Gema just sent me this one!

We don't meet people by accident.

They are meant to cross our pass for a reason

... by Unknown


This is so true.

So I talked about the nice community they've got in GCH, Green Climbers Home, in previous page now I should mention the people I met. 

Niho san

First of all, I should mention Niho san who brought me there! Big Thanks to him!!

To be honest, I knew a little about Niho san(san is like "Mr."in Japanese.) when in Japan. Each of us flew by ourselves, no flight booking together except I booked GCH for him upon his request.

The first time we climbed was in Ogawayama on 28th, July, with our mutual friend. That was about it. 

Then, without much of thinking, I said "Yes" to Niho san's invitation of "Why don't we go Laos?". 

After I said yes to the Lao trip, we went for a day climb twice, one in Syonin Iwa and the other in a Climbing Gym. That's about it. 

The reason why I went to Laos so casually was that I was curious about GCH.  Plus I am a kind of a person who fly overseas in one week notice, from my previous work. So going Laos was not that big deal to me.

Without him suggesting me the place, I'd never know the limestone climbing can be this much fun!! 

Chen and Thibault walking back to GCH

Second, I like to thank Tanja, one of the founders of GCH. 

I checked GCH home page and learned it German owned and I knew I always get along well with German people... I have a working experience with people from various nationalities..., so now I know my instinct was right. 

I always felt Yamanashi where I live for the moment, should be a climbing capital of Japan...since Yamanashi has 5 Piolet d'Or winners, they all moves in, and that must mean something. 

I go climbing gym and come across an alpine climber Yusuke Sato so casually. I've borrowed his harness once without knowing it's him. Locals pays no attention to how good cragging environment are in Yamanashi, but it is. 

I have a very high respect to anybody developed the routes on the crag.. and I also respect female entrepreneur. 

The few of the crag I go, are not open to the public, since I was with developers. One in Syosenkyo, is the place of my memory... I was a belayer for Kazumasa Yoshida, a climber who climbed a first 5.14a crack in Japan... I felt so honored to belay him. He passed away so soon after we met and my heart was broken, since I kind of expected to meet him again. His project was undone. I was so glad a strong young climber said he would take over the project. 

Anyway, all I wanted to tell is that I know creating a route is a hard job to do. and I respect Tanja and the gang for that reason. 

Tony and Lea

Tony had lived in Sapporo, Japan for 6 years and he is such a considerate person and he could feel the emotion of the other people...very unlike American (Pardon my french!).

He arranged our climbing together so nicely; we went to Canyon, with Keji and Kanna from Japan, and Niho san and me.
Tony in Caveman 5c+

He gave me some great photos of me climbing in the Canyon, and I am glad I took his photo in the caveman! It seemed so wild and interesting.

Lea was a to-be yoga teacher and I have been teaching yoga for 6 years now and we share kind of same interest. The way she is was a lot like Japanese, quiet and kept, but she climbs!! I was so amazed to see her climb "Pig hole "over hang, and the word she has used to describe the route!  A strong girl she is!

We all went to the Thahake together and night of the Lao barbecue was so fun!

Gema, Matis, Sati, Laura, Thibault, Yvonne, Chen, Patrick and Wolfgang

To all of you thank you!! You guys are great climbers and fun to be with!

Keiji and Kanna from kansai

I wonder if they are safely riding on elephant... their Kansai intonation made me really relaxed!

Eriko and 4 years old Kaori and The nurse Akko

Eriko and I had a feeling so instantly. We've met for a reason, and I like to keep in touch. I kind of know why we met.

Akko san, please don't give up. 2 years is long and I did too had a hard time living abroad with no language skill at first, but what you are doing is so precious.

Thank you again for your kindness and I had a great time!

The climbing mates; I love you guys!



■ さっとまとめておきます~


Day1 11/15(火) 移動日








Day2 11/16(水) 移動日 &岩初日

The Riverホテルを7時半に出る。 トゥクトゥクを呼ぼうかと言われるが、バスターミナルまで2kmだというので、歩くことに。











Vegan Scnitzle 5a  OS
Pinzgauer Bua 6a TR
Schoffle tower 6a TR
Sissi 5b + OS

Day3 11/17 (木)


が、Simは、GCHでも販売されていた。 トゥクトゥクに乗り、銀行で100ドルをKIPに両替。トイレを借りる。






Sim 40000KIP 
ランチ 144000KIP
Tukutuku 100,000Kip
Water 50,000Kip


Day4 11/18 (金)



Day5 11/19(土)



Party Maile
Happy Hour OS
Pegal OS
3 Underff TR new route

Climbers home
The Nest 6b+ TR

Day6 11/20 (日)


80m ロープを借りる。

Day7 11/21 (月曜)
レスト日。 トニー、リアとターケークへ。市場を案内し、リアとマッサージに行く。私はまた足だけ。

Day8 11/22 (火




Day9 11/23 (水)
どこへ行ったんだっけ? あ、マルチか。途中で敗退し、午後は、cavemanへ。楽しい課題。

エムジェイと知り合う。リマがGCHを立つ。寂しい~ リマのことは、ここのスタッフ化と思っていた。


Day10 11/24 (木)







Day11 11/25 (金)

最終日。 午前中にGCHに戻り、リア、トミーと3人で、フルメタルジャケットに取り付く。昼からは、バーベキューパーティへ。みな水着でびっくり。パトリックと打ち解ける。彼は唯一のアルパインクライマーだった。




Day12 11/26(土)

朝7時出発。皆が見送ってくれた♪ 友達一杯で来たなぁ。前の晩、風が強くて、眠れず。 





Cost Comperison: 2 weeks in Ogawayama vs 10days in GCH

Last night, on arrival from a long way back from Laos and Thai land, I was too tired to cook a dinner so we had ordered "Demae" (a catering) and had some sushi.

Look at the plates, this is only 1980 yen for two! Good deal! Japan is no more most expensive country to travel.

I spend 235 dollars at Green Climbers Home for 10 days.

That is, including bed, breakfast, sometimes lunch (I mostly brought some snacks with me since my partner wanted to keep climbing while lunch time), a morning coffee everyday, Rassi drink sometimes, and a beer and a dinner, a few water refill, 2 times of a rope rent, and 2 T-Shirts for a souvenir) .

235 dollars divided into one day is, 23.5 dollars that is 2670 yen, that is pretty cheap for a travel, but I know I don't spend that much if I am staying at home... because I spend only for food.

I wonder if a traveller can stay in Japan with that much... Hummm...pretty difficult. You can find a place to sleep about 2000 yen (a capsule hotel or a guest house, an average tent fee is only 500 to 1000 yen here) and you can live on the food cost of 670 yen a day, it is tight but you can, only that you have to cook for yourself and definitely no beer!

So I am pretty amazed how cheap they were for what I have gotten, but considering the average wage in Lao is about equivalent of 5000 yen per month,  the cost seems rather normal.

Because what I had paid will exceed what they earn in a month, in two days, of course I know it is not a profit, the cost is included but still there must be a enough profit they can make out of it.

Anyway, a Lao earns 1 eighths of a Thai, they say. An annual income for a Thai is 4,449 USD in statistics.

I know the number can deceive you and from what I have seen, 100,000 kip is equivalent of 1,000 yen, or 10 dollars in USD, and 400 TBH.

■ Japan

Now what I wanted to tell you is not that, cragging cost. From my place, to get to Ogawayama, where it is called Japanese yosemite, the biggest sport climbing crag in Japan, the cost would be;

car share 800 yen.  it is 70 km away from my home takes about 2 hours to get there,
70km drive is 1L of gas cost here like 120 yen at most, so if your car drives 10km per litter, it becomes 70 X 120 = 840 yen one way.

parking 300 yen

tent in your own tent 700 yen

so overnight cost of Ogawayama crag is

 840 X 2
1000 X 1
= 1840 yen

plus food usually about 1000 yen to 2000 yen.   So in the end, it is about 3000 yen to 4000 yen.

Some people stay more than 1 week there and the cost will be cheaper there. And if you get other people to share the cost, it goes to the cheaper side.

I suppose the best number of people is about 4. Not more than that.

If you spend one week there, the cost will be like

840 yen X 2 (round trip)
700 yen X 7 days X 4 people = 19,600 yen
food 20,000 yen for one week for 4
divided by 4 people

=10,320 yen

That is pretty close to what I had paid in GCH.  (2660 yen/d X 7day  = 18200 yen)

So it is not too bad to crag in Japan, if you have a local friend.

■ Information

Mawarime Taira Camping Field HP is here.


Ogawa yama has over 700 problems(routes) and granite stone... well bolted. But a way more difficult than what I had experienced in Thakhek.

This is me climbing a 5.10a problem "Black & white" in Ogawayama, very slabby problem on top rope.


The days in Green Climbers Home in Laos

■ To Laos! To Green Climbers Home!

It was only a little bit of accident that I decided to go to Green Climbers home. I did not know much about Laos nor my climbing partner but that was a small stuff, I am curious about GCH. That was all.

I was curious about GCH and GCH was the exactly the place I imagined.

First, it was "all you can climb", the second, it was very international, the third, they had a lot of nature and were very ecological.

The only thing beyond my imagination was, there were cows and goats even in the belay area!

It was sooooooo peaceful, actually too peaceful so I felt like taking a nap, rather than climbing a rock.

Those cows and goats are never afraid of people nor they change their peaceful attitude so I suppose the human and animals are living together in peace with no problem at all... which reminded me of the land of Eden.

If there is a heaven on the earth, this is it!

Of course for any climber, all you can climb, all day, every day, is a heaven: ( "all day, every day" is the title of this blog I put because the climbing partner I have now wants to climb all day, and everyday!)
cows eating the grass
morning glow

■ Let's imitate a dirtbag, or a climbing bum! 

So now we are in heaven!

my bed
GCH is a great place to be if you are a climber, but let me suggest you to come here alone or with a few of your friends, maybe not more than 2, or 3 people.

Have no plan, and let your fate take you where it wants to be!

Now, you are a sort of climbing bum or you can be a dirtbag!
 (of course you are well taken cared here in GCH, well sheltered, and well fed, with clean bed and clean toilet.)

Let me say, a climbing bum will never be a pack animal.

He loves "freedom and adventures" and that will not mean security of being with herd and avoiding standing alone.

Plus I guess the facility does not assume a large group of people because the bungalow they have have only one semi-double bed which kind of assume that two people staying in one bed, even though they can have an extra bed.

They put a pair of people into a different dorm house too. (which I liked the way it is because I kind of appreciated being alone and have some privacy.)

They had some tents for one person or for two people.  No larger tent.

Finding a climbing partner is super easy. You just go to a crag you like and then say hello, climbers are usually nice people and know you need a belayer to climb so they would be happy to offer you their belay.

Or you can look for your partner at dinner time in the KneeBar.

Of course you should be able to manage to meet people but that's a sort of basic social skill and unless you are too shy to speak to, they are all good people and the community itself understands we all need match making, so unless you deny by yourself, someone will be happy to help you.

Just say, "Hello, where are you from?"

The language barrier here is so thin! Language wise, this was the easiest place I had been.  I struggle much more usually.

■ Day starts

At 6 o'clock in a morning, I am half awake... I know everyone's the same...sometimes I hear a smartphone making a morning call...it's same sound as mine.

I was the only female staying that room so I woke up a bit earlier than everyone so men have a easy time to change clothes...

There will be Lao people to come for a cleanup of the bathroom and the velanda.

I usually did my Yoga around that time.

Hoe Noodle
At 7, the breakfast is served. Omelette with homemade bread, pancake with fresh fruits with honey, noodle like Hoe, or some rice soup like porridge.

After the good breakfast, we go to craggs, which takes only a short walk, usually... (it depends on where you go.)

Let's see which one we are going to climb today...

The topo book is super easy to understand.  A problem name is written on the rock unlike in Japan, so you never get lost and a mistake like you are climbing a 7c thinking it's a 5c problem never happens. This could happen in Japan (and often),.. but not here.

It is fun to find a problem too, it is the same thing as all climbers do... so don't worry, there will be a person there all the time, giving you the kind of advice you'd need to find the route you are looking for.

name in the routes

Plus by looking for, you'll make friends.

The grades are written in French grade so it is different from Japan, we use American grade.

On the arrival day, I bought the topo book, and marked all the 5 something and found out that I can spend my entire 10 days easily by climbing what I can already easily lead climb.

Now, climbing. Let's do a warm up problem.

I did not know the limestone was this much fun!

In Japan, limestone sucks. Because hold are overused and it is slippery and scary. I could not lead 5.7, here.

In GCH, it is super fun to climb any 5a to 5c to me, and it is fun to try 6a, and one difficult move to 6b, an entire struggle anything over that.

I usually climb from 5.10a lead to 5.11a toprope here in Japan(6a to7a).

This was a sort of average grade in GCH.

I lead climbed the vegan schnitzel 5a (5.6 to 5.7 in decimal) on the first day I arrived. By next to me, someone said it is his first ever lead climbed in his entire life so this must be a good start for anyone.

I had a partner who has 40 years of climbing experience so he wanted to climb more harder routes, that was OK since I can always toprope the same problem.

And there, it is nicer to have someone toprope after lead climbing since, the wall is over hanged and kind of hard to clean up by descent as we do in Japan. The second climber is as important as the lead climber. (I kind of started to think a very low respect to a second climber might be cultural to Japan.)

There were some people who climb for the first time in their lifetime there, so you should not be shy to climb at all. Nor look down on toprope climbing as in Japan.

During the midday, the temperature is too hot and you don't want to get a sun tan and too exhausted from the heat so many people go back to the GCH and have a good lunch. Then move to a different area in the afternoon, where there is a shade in the afternoon.

I climbed average 3-4 in the morning, in the afternoon, 2-3 so that makes 5-7 climb a day.

how do we climb this one? 

And every 2 or 3 days of climbing I took a rest day, so while I was staying there for 10 days, I had 3 rest days.

After climbing in the afternoon, I will end my day a bit earlier than other people, let's say I am already up sometime between 15 pm to16 pm,  and finished a shower taking before it's get too crowded (but a ladies shower room never gets too crowded.)

And I go to the nerd bench to check my emails and see how my husband is doing, write some messages in FB and other stuff.

At 18 pm, it is already a dinner time. Not everyone seems to want a big dinner like we do in Japan, but most people order today's special, which comes in meat or vegetarian, usually tofu.
GCH main dining area
I usually eat vegetarian meal in Japan but I wanted something I can not have in Japan and want a dish to be authentic Lao so I mostly selected meat.

I have to mention Lao beer.

Everyone drinks Lao beer, and once I ordered red wine but I was told I was the first person who drank red wine here. So go for beer. Cheers!

Everyone here is super friendly and not everyone is native speakers of English usually, so there is no need to be shy and withdrawn.

I found it is super easy to get relax and speak to people, no perfect English is assumed so you don't need to be afraid of being not perfect.

Everyone is here for having fun so they would be nice to you since being nice is their own merits too.

The nights of GCH are early, around 9 pm they all go back to dorm and get ready for the sleep.. By 9 and a half, the place is pretty quiet.

I was in bed around 8:30 pm in the beginning since I was tired from the travel and unusual things to me. As I get use to the place I sometimes went bed late since I wanted to socialize more.

The climbers! I love you guys! I liked all the people I met there! It was a such nice community they've get.

A day ends like this with a happy feeling... I  was so content. My stomach is full, beer 's good, good exercise, good routes, fun people to be with.

Birds are singing, cows are mowing, goats are merry, the sun is shining, the moon is soft, stars are shining.. the weather is not harsh...

Everything is so peaceful.

■ related articles

Beginner's Roof Video

Thanks Note to the gang



■ 経済発展至上主義は疑問

ラオス・・・ そういえば、前の仕事で、福岡にいるときに、”ラオス経済セミナー”に出席した・・・。経産省とラオス大使館主催なわけだが、私には疑問に思えた。












■ 国際社会 







■ クライミング


























Back in Japan

Now I'm back in Japan.  Just woke up from the nap, I was so tired from the flight to come back to.

Anyway, I must write what I think now while still my memory is fresh.

 In one word, I am SOOOO GLAD I went to Green Climbers Home!

Of course, Laos was a great country. They are safe and very peaceful, it is like maybe 70 years ago in Japan? Before we gets all the concrete jungle and western life style, and our life get all so materialized.

But it is still not about Lao which made my climbing trip so good. It is the friendly community GCH got there, and what they offered at the GCH, climbing heaven! All you need to worry is climbing.

The accommodation is there, the food is good,, you are nicely taken cared to get and to go from there...

The only down side was no wifi. But even that, depending on how you see things; it is nice to be sometimes away from all the electric gadgets so you can leave your normal life behind and concentrating on climbing and having fun.

 Personal achievement. I am now finally the person I wanted to be in my younger days, a backpacker.

I always envied the travelers and backpackers. They seemed so free, untied from social obligation. But I was a bit scared.

In my twenties, mostly I was scared of the sexial crimes...girls traveling alone getting raped...and accused of they travel alone... so when I was in the U.S., which was,  when I was 20 to 21 years old, I was so scared to be alone walking when in dark. Even in Melbourne, which I were there only 6 years ago, I try not to take a subway after dark.

Other things, I was afraid of was losing the comfort like clean bathroom and good food. Since I was a child I was fassy child. I could not sleep in someone else's home, I could not eat other mothers Miso soup, only my mother's. I hated riding on the cars, since it gets me a car sick. I hated the change in the air, too hot or too cold gets me very sick.

But I gradually overcome those things, as I started to hike the mountains and moving on to hike with tent, and do much more serious climbing like winter camping while I do ice climb. It does not get dirty when you know what you are doing.

So this, overcoming my fear to be a backpacker took me this 6 years of learning of mountaineering, which is life skill of how to make myself comfortable outdoors and it took me learning all these climbing activities... I was so focused to the activity, I did go to the mountain 108 days in 2015.... I was outdoor one third of a year!

Now I am pretty confident that I am comfortable to live on very minimum things.

Also another personal accomplishment; English. It's been a while since I don't need to speak daily but this time I was very comfortable speaking English and I am comfortable of making myself comfortable among the strangers.

It takes time to learn a language. But I was more comfortable to climb with English speakers than a Japanese speaker. That mean English is no more a barrier for me.

Another thing is to know Laos is so close by, especially on my way to there, it was as easy as I go to Tokyo!

I haven't made a big deal out of this trip so I did not do much research before I go. For one thing, I got confused of date of travel on my way to Nacomphanom but I fixed it easily at the airport.

There were small stuff like that all the time this time, and I fixed it every time I encounter the problem.

I am pretty much confident I can fix what ever the problems arise in future. No sweat.

I met Eriko and Kaori, a mother who is working in NGO in Lao and her daughter and meeting them made me think what role I might have been given.

My mother divorced when I was six. As a child I wanted her to do so sooner, since I was so sad all the time seeing my mom unhappy, sometimes beaten by my dad. I felt I am obligated to dislike my dad.  I disliked him when he is drunk and abusive to my mom.

I was so determined as a child I should remember that a child is happier to have no dad than to have a dad who is no good to his wife.

I see my parent's marriage in a different way than I was a child but still constant stress of quarrels and arguments are no good to a child's health I am sure.

A child needs a warm peaceful home so she/he feels loved and relaxed. No screaming no fighting.

Climbing achievement.  I have now better understanding of how unique Japanese craggings are.
The bolts too far, foot stance too small, hand folds too small, no overhang at all.

I am so proud that I did lead 6A Full metal jacket which is really an overhang problem!



GCH 235 usd 
友好橋のバス 75usd 
航空券 34540 JPY
ノックエア THB 3,019.55 1万円くらい?
市中両替 タイバーツ 200ドル分
ラオスキップ600000キップ分 余りが出た
成田〜甲府 8800円







