
The occurrence of climbing accidents in Kyusyu

The occurrence of climbing accidents in Kyusyu

I think the pace is much faster in Kyusyu, than in Yamanashi prefecture where it is almost the mecca of rock climbing in Japan.

A few days ago, a climber fell in Hieai Mountain range in Miyazaki prefecture, who had a way too good enough climbing skills... like 5.12, the Miyazaki crag are developped by some old climbers who had much less climbing skills.. they are now already 80ish... their philosophy was based on WWI kamikaze soldier's. She says she is now hospitalized.

My first day in Kyusyu climbing, the exactly the first day, I saw the ground fall accident in Azumaya... Don't climb "Indian Face 5.10b" if your utmost grade is 5.10b, the 2rd and 3rd bolts are runout. (Link is here: https://allnevery.blogspot.com/2018/04/blog-post_23.html)

Recently someone fell on ground in Hyugami too...Aino area. It's ironic that Aino Area's literal translation is the area of Love, and actually the are has a top rate of accidents because their 5.9 requires 5.10b skill, running protection(bolts) are too far and not functioning as a protection actually.  Love? Who feels the love from such area?  Maybe hate is the word to be replaced.

I think the high accident rate is largely depending on Kysyu Climbing culture, which worships death wishing like Kamikaze Tokkou death air fighter, when a climber is described he is death wishing, he takes it is a compliment than warnings... so I think I do not agree at all to this climbing culture.

The climbing has been giving me the less and less joy into my life and I am loosing my interest also passion to it... it will not change the way they are... they are a way too narcissistic... they actually want to be that way... in my eyes it seem so childish but if they wish to be so, they are entitled to... people has a right to die in a whatever way they want.


私は山梨で登っていたクライマーですが、山梨時代に耳にしたより、九州に来てからのほうが事故のペースが速い。初日からグランドフォールを見ているし、宮崎は事故になってくれと言わんばかりだし… 日向神でも事故があったばかりだそうだし…

いやはや… これは…


中津 八面山





中津では、ダイハツアリーナに市のお金でクライミングウォールを作ったほどで、市でも、クライミング愛好家が増えている現状の受け皿にはなりたいようなのですが、クライマーが事故を起こした場合の対処などの問題があり… というので、安全性が高まるのは歓迎ですが、事故は…です。当然ですよね。




八面山 上部エリアアプローチで あわや滑落










■ レスキュー難度を書いておく
















■ 100岩場 記述は、貧弱で誠実さと信頼性に欠ける

これが100岩場の上部エリアアプローチの記述です 4級のアプローチです
足元に注意しながら5分で着く… 4級でフィックスロープが設置していある場所の記述としては、いささか






■ 電車で行く八面山






一万円札の町って外人クライマー受けしそう~ 黒田官兵衛って誰?なワタクシ…日本史弱いの露呈だね~ まいいか~全然興味を持てない、日本史。 お土産買ったら、500円くらいしか使っていないのに、おばちゃんが、無料で、ゆずピールくれたよ~ おばちゃんありがとう~





中津はから揚げが有名で、から揚げ定食おいしかった!たったの750円よ? うな丼ですら1200円!やす~ って思ったのは私だけ???
6)市の人にお話をつけてもらったら、なんか同行者のトークがさく裂して才能開花していたせいか…とんとん拍子に話が進み…いや~すばらしい! ビックリ仰天の展開…私は、内心、え?!今日市役所行くの~突撃だな~急に言っても会ってくれないカモよ~と思っていたのだが、杞憂だった…全然あってくれた… 
帰りにダイハツアリーナの人工壁をみたら、ぴっかぴっかで、ホールドも新しくびっくりしたね~ 大分のクライマーは福岡よりもうんと恵まれているね!

First Hyugami in the season!

Hello 2020 summer! 

I have gone to Hyugami in the first season in 2020 summer!  Japan had a long long rainy season this summer, it was very long, so vegetable prices went so high, a cucumber costed a 98 yen(a dollar) ! 

I had waited so long to go to Hyugami since I hate going to climbing gym which is only expensive... I don't feeling I am learning enough when I go to the gym. 

Wow!! A Local climber's club!!!

To my surprise, I was sooooo happy that local climber's club had stared in the Hyugami Crag!  It was just started so the design of the membership card is still tentative. They are looking for a climber who can design very good one! I personally like the Japanese brash letters "Hyugami" is "日向神"。 

the membership is 1000yen (about 10 dollar) a year, and it goes to the toilet fund and the bolt fund. 

Long 5.9 is very comfortable 

I climbed with the developer climbers this day at the sunset area, and they put up draws already for me, and found the long 5.9 ”Aoba wakaba"  was very comfortable, and the grade is just right also, the protection distance was good. 

Someone wanted to climbed TR the route I led, so I rented her a rope.   I was a bit unconformable with her belay, since she seemed totally unaware of the risks... but this is only 5.9, I can not fall... if the grading is proper... I accepted her unsure belay.  I don't trust any lady older than my age...since they are usually too get used to male domination, and forgotten about they have their own responsibility... especially when belaying... 

The link to the topo is here....

I led also the next 5.10a and that was a different belayer also new belayer so just to make sure she catches me, I gave a one hangdog, so I will know she sure take me.  This one was also good, 5.10a! 

The routes in this area is all very well bolted since this is 2009 development. 

Rain make rock loose

since we had so much rain in this July and June, there were loose rock and the lower area had a lot of already fallen rocks... this climber is climbing to get rid of loose rock... but it was such a great look on him... 

me leading 5.9 warming up route

In the afternoon we went down to lower sunset area, and it was very hot that day, I run out of my water even though I had 1 L with me.... so my performance was not good... I felt very tired also powerless... even though I did "Himawari 5.10a"
 and "Tuyuake sengen 5.10c" I was already too tired. 

The guest house 

on my way home, I stopped by the guest house my friend Jiro, runing, to say hello... it was so good to know they are OK with this covid 19 crisis... He had a one guest, who said he is staying there already for over 1 month... a long term stay! So I was quit impressed...  Jiro gave me a lot of Myouga, a wild herb, to bring back home, and a new cat was soooo cute, the cat's name was Kojiro,  which means a little Jiro... 

Very hot and humid

The sunset came when I was at Jiro's and the sum was hazy... with humid... 
I just think this is not the right season for slab climbing...  

It was such a peaceful fun summer climbing day!   





(バニラだけが唯一のフレーバーじゃない https://www.economist.com/books-and-arts/2008/04/17/vanilla-is-not-the-only-flavour


ーーーーーーーーーーーーーー https://ameblo.jp/l-counseling/entry-10290389019.html

■ ”成功”を押し付けられている?!



今、私が ”成功”、と定義づけていることは、


私が心から求める ”成功” というのは、一般の男性が求める ”成功”… みんなから一目置かれるクライマーになる、有名になる、すごいルートが登れる… と全く違うんです…。ごめんよ。




■ いかに無欲か?
なにしろ、昇進のチャンス!と言えるような奴ですら断るくらいんですよ… ご一緒するのを断ったルート

1)錫杖 岩
2)石尊稜 雪
3)錫杖 アイス
4)祝子川 沢

名誉とか楽しさとか取って、命が持っていかれるのはヤダなと思います…  錫杖は私は行けましたが、後輩君をまだ一本もマルチを登っていないのに、つれていくのは倫理に反すると思ったので断りました。彼は歩荷要員でした。



祝子川は先輩が二人で行こうと誘ってくれたのですが、私が流された場合、一人だと…ゴルジュって逃げようがないですよね?みんなは、スポーツクライミングみたいな沢だと言っていましたが、だとしてもチャレンジ系の沢に2名こっきりは… エスケープ豊富な場所ならいいけど… まぁ、これは念のための用心でした。







■ビレイに不安だった私へ 大丈夫だったよという報告



■ 一般的なビレイヤーの確認方法


■ 私の方法


さて、一本目のリードだが、1)見るからに登れそうに見えたのと、2)5.9だし…というので、知らないおばちゃんにビレイをお任せした。あまり慣れていない方だと明らかに分かったので、「ビレイできますか?」と聞いたら、相手は心外だったらしく、怒った顔で「できます!」と返してきた。まぁ、相手のとっても、内心、”あんたのほうこそ誰よ? 何様のつもりよ?”と、思うであろうと思われ、まぁ、それは仕方がないのである。



■ OK人材





■ もう後方部隊でいいよ人材



■ 行きたくないところは誘われないように工夫する裏技





■ 流して止めなくていいですよ



最近のロープはショックロードで、大体30%伸びるんですよ? 2mの高さで落ちたら、60cm伸びるわけで、1.4m落ちるとなると、どんなにタイトなビレイをしていてもグランドになる。

そういうことを考えると、1ピン目の位置は2m以下には作れないが… すくなくともパツパツビレイなら、落ちても止めてもらえる位置には、打ってほしいものだ。








■ 「弱い!!」
















■ 漢方


むくみ放置 → 準備運動軽視×いきなり岩場×ザック重い×けど大丈夫などの過信 → 肉離れ → 過信による治療遅れ → 2か月完全にベッドの中 → 体重増加 → 右ひざ脱臼 → 復活遅れ…




Mt.Menpoko in Sobo katamuki Mountain Range in Miyazaki : Dai Chousei Route

 This is the record of 16th April in 2018.

The day was bright sunny and we were so excited.

6 am we got up, 8 am we started.

Start is a camp site called "Shisi gawa camp" (鹿川キャンプ場)

I was very glad I know how to see the difference between climbers vague trails from actually well stepped hiker's trail... it is a way more vague...

When I was not yet confident enough, I used to hike all the peaks in the mountain range so I will know the escape route when I am lost and stuck. That was the preparation to the serious climbing but these days I feel more confident to try on any new crags without doing hiking homework.

This place resembles Kanmanboron, a famous granite route in Mt. Mizugaki in Yamanashi prefecture... it is the granite stone paradise in Japan...

But much smaller scales... I saw a small stream and nice woods, a half an hour walking you are already in the foot of climbing rock... it was much shorter than we expected so we did a little exploring...

These area seems to have no access issue since they actually have trail signs to show the way to the climbing routes.

We went to further on, since we arrived earlier than we thought, and found a beautiful big fall...

There was an interesting rock called "Paken iwa" so we enjoyed scenery a little...

This place is a large granite which seemed like Mizugaki and Insubong.

 This is the climbing route from the bottom.

 Big fall...

I wanted to come back with my husband for just hiking...
 Interesting shape of the rock.
 You can see the size of the rock.
 This photo is the sight from the top, since I could not take a photo while I was climbing...
 Also from the top.

You can come to the same place without climbing, just hiking, so it is shared mountain like El cap with hikers.

The peak gotten by climbing feels much more than the peak gotten by just walking.

How difficult may be more important in happiness??
 Another top.
 Pink flower tree... was so pretty.
This is the stream we crossed on our way back...

on Climbing...
1st pitch: Me lead. I said I'd lead, since it is the easiest pitch, also had the first bolt in my sight... but I could not see my second bolt... so bolt is just a matter of ... I don't know the proper word but useless. Never fall is the word.

But the slab was easy, and I felt if it is Insubong, it will be just a approach, not a route.  Korean climber are lazy so many never bother to use ropes... it useless when you don't have proper bolts anyway.

So I must lead this easy... still I was scared since the bolt too far means free soloing...
My rope was soooo heavy so my belayer must have been very scared and he must have been crossing his finger for me... very tight belay.

I was sooo scared so I was very very quick to up climb, to the bolts... in slab, you better not to hesitate.

2nd pitch: My partner led... he is 5.12 climber but still very careful, it is a slab so climbing skills does not matter much, the friction of your climbing shoe matters.

3rd Pitch: my lead climb.  The rope work is easier in this switching system... we are so happy about it.  I put my small cam in the flack in the beginning but it seemed not strong enough... still may be better than nothing??? I always take my protection whenever I can. I am fighting against my laziness to skip the pros. Actually climbing gets harder when you have to set the pro.

The pitch was a large traverse, so this means also you can not afford to fall.

4th pitch: also traverse. my partner led.

5th pitch: Big big traverse, me leading... I was surprised there were only two bolts this pitch... it is already far from the ground but still.. only 2! also the bolt quality was questionable...

6th pitch: my partner led. The end of the "beautiful traverse". This is the hardest pitch in this climbing route.

We decided to connect two routes so we go up the peak by climbing...

7th pitch : is just a band walking the traverse walk... this traverse is just connecting two routes so much easy so I became a bit lazy, I did not use two draws to make rope smooth to run, so the rope became a way too heavy because of the friction... a good lesson, think about rope and friction always! Belaying my second was a way hard since the rope was heavy due to the rope drag.

8th pitch: Actually the 1st pitch of another route... 5.6 slab it says... my partner took the lead since he saw me scared. Very very far bolts it seemed.  I felt 5.10a due to the bolt distance.

9th pitch: my partner led since it was more difficult than the one before...  the climbing line was not straight so more dangerous. The rope gets tangled easily when lead climber is the same person so we became careful about tangled rope, it is a nightmare when you don't have a rope when you are on slab!!

10 th pitch: a easy traverse. the rope was dragged so was very heavy.  Used a rock as a substitute for draws...

11th pitch: the only crack route, very short one point crack, may be 5.9 or so. My partner free soloed, I was roped.  The rough stone surface made our hands bloody.

This is the end! The top was so much like Mt. Kinpo I used to hike in Yamanashi... there are some holes that rain made...

We enjoyed a great view from the mountain top and we went down using hiker's trail... this trail is easy to get lost..  we followed animal track a few times by mistake, we were not watching carefully because we were so struck with a beautiful view...

we started to climb at 10:30 and at the top 15:00 and came back where we stared at 17:30, the camping site where we parked.

Related site( outside this blog but you can see the photos)

Kamikaze Bomber & Japanese climber's mentality

■Kamikaze Bomber & climber's mentality

I was so surprised that old and famous, also very respected and established climber developer had mentioned about Kamikaze bomber when he described the concept on the climbing routes he had created... the place was notoriously far bolted crag (you can reach to the climbing area within one hour, so it can not be an alpine route...)

He said, if the climb is RCCII 5th grade, in 50 m climbing bolt should be 1 bolt, and if 4th grade, 2 bolts, if 3rd grade, 3 bolts. 

What's RCC II grade? Of course!  Click here.

RCCII grade is Japanese grade that is only used in Japan, 5th means = you can not walk, you need hands, 4th=5.2-5.4, 5th=over 5.7 by definition. 

However in reality, the climbing is not this easy, since local climber tend to give grade easier, i.e., they say 5.7 when actually in international grade, it is 5.9. 

So by many people's opinion, the route's the easiest climb was 5.7 or so... since Japanese start to use rope at 5.7 or above, so this crag is 5.7(or above slab) and the bolt is 25 m (or 17 m away...at most) .

One of the old climber told me, " You know it was worse, before it was 40 m apart...". 

So they think it is improved and compromised...

But who wants to climb 5.7 and "death possible" route??? 

5.7 is a way too easy compared to today's climbing standard, modern climber are climbing much difficult route than 5.7, meaning 5.9 is beginner level, 5.12 intermediate, 5.13 or above is considered skilled... so no one likes to climb easy 5.7 with risk of life...

Of course the first developer's style and intention had to be respected, perhaps, preserved, but this is not enjoyable nor attractive. The "Easy-but-far-away-bolt" route is least enjoyable route, to be very precise. If it is ever justified, it is when you climb at the first ascent.

If you are a today's average free climber or sport climber who enjoy climbing for fun, not for adrenaline rush, showing how bold you are to the others or some crazy heroism, such as to show how death wishing you are like in Kamikaze pilot..., you don't enjoy this kind of routes.

So this is the great gap between new generation and old generation...  Old generation insist on that,  it is "our tradition". Is it so???

I had a big question so I went to check about it to Nagasaki and visited war memorial museums too.  

And my conclusion, is "yes", it is in us, but that is the exact cause which led all of Japanese citizen in a bad consequence in WWII. So we should not repeat the tradition. 

I had already done this scary route led 1st, 3rd 5th pitches and were very scared...(my record is here:  https://allnevery.blogspot.com/2020/07/mtmenpoko-in-sobo-katamuki-mountain.html : Japanese

My experience of climbing in Laos had involved no scare like this... in Japanese route, you can be killed even with best belayer, and no matter what grade you climb, even though you are a 5.14 climber, you can fall in 5.7 since it is outdoor, tiny bugs or a snail or whatever.... can scare you or things could happen...

New climber trying to protect themselves by getting a higher climbing skill, like trying to get a better climbing skill, since if you don't fall, you really don't need a rope. (actually this is "the" situation...rope useless,  so literally the climbers climbing these routes are same as climbing free solo) but you never get rid of fear... since the risk is not actually covered by being a 5.12 climber to climb 5.7 route... the risk is something else that can not covered by climbing skill itself, even rope does not cover the risk, if the bolts are too far...

There has been the death accidents in this crag too, and it is a beautiful white granite hills... like in Insubong, but it is the least enjoyable, also unreasonable crag ever I met. 

Why it became so? Because guys wanted to death withing style, and that is what gives adrenaline dose to them...

Certainly not for me!

Related articles:
Sobo Katamuki Mountaine Range


Nagasaki Tour; To check why Japanese climbers are death wishing

Nagasaki Tour

I wanted to go to Nagasaki for two reasons...

No.1 was to see, the consequence of WWII... Japan had rebuilt the country from literally wreck... then 80's flourish came, and the lost 10 years we say, young people were kicked out of the job market...in sake of saving dad's generation's jobs... then another 20 years void came... the local businesses were left go out of business...instead Global companies came. This made every town of Japan look similar... Ion Shopping mole, Convenience stores, Chain restaurants instead of traditional local restaurants... same in Hotels... so the local city had lost its character...for trip-wise, it is sooooo boring...

Just few month ago, I met Nikki from Detroit, who had just moved to Fukuoka, in a few block away from my place, and this time, me and Nikki, and Lisa from South Africa, who were visiting Nikki went to Nagasaki to see, Atomic bomb museum... so taking my foreign friends are No2 reason, since it is my obligation as an English speaking Japanese to guide them to the history, also introducing to a balanced view of what happened in Nagasaki.

To my surprise, the atomic bomb museum was re-created to give less impact of how miserable the war victims were, like the people walking with their burned skin hanging... and to go into the water dying... 

I had a such a mental shock when I learned about these facts when I was in Junior high-school... but there were no such display anymore in the museum... I thought the exhibit became sooo mild... in a way, laundered... so Atomic bombing seem small... than actually was.

After viewing night view from Inasa yama... we went to a local standing bar, and sad thing was, a man was trying to convince me that in WWII, Japan was trying to save South Asian Countries from colonization from the West... That is true, but you can NOT ban violence with violence, can we?

So I learned there are strong mentality in young Japanese male citizen that they still think Japan should play a policeman in Asia... arrogance in us. 

In my point of view, those countries are capable enough to think what's best to their countries... also, nowadays they are the one flourishing not us...  

The black and white thinking... such as any EAST is good and any WEST is bad...  kind of thinking... is too childish... There are good Americans and bad Americans, just like there are bad Japanese and Good Japanese... you can not divide people in two by color or where you belong...

The worse is that  Japanese people blame the westernization for misbehavior of fellow Japanese. But in my observation, it is originating from our own.

Japanese male female relationship is somewhat weird.. women are expected to let her happiness second of men... men seem to think its the way it is... just like kids expect their mom to put him first... I feel awkward about this while I climb with Japanese young man...i.e. I am always belaying and there is no return belay to me from them... ? I am not your mom, is my word. But they seem not to notice.

Those kids became young man, and the young man became the matured man and they all seem to do the same... perhaps, the Japanese army in the WWII had the same mantelity... they can put their own ego first and they can put the other people's happiness second... that's the habit... so no one thought it is the wrong doings... the consequence? The Atomic bomb and the suffering of 40 to 50 years after the war... still "male"(in western, "the while male") put their merit first and flourish at the cost of young people and woman (in western "minority") sacrifice in our society. 

We haven't changed a bit.

This is what I learned in my trip to Nagasaki this time.