
Japanese style Mango Rice

This is modified to Japanese style since I used regular Japanese rice instead of Thai Jasmine rice.  It's because I wanted to introduce something that you can get conventionally in Japan.

1)  cooked rice (cold left over is OK)   1 Ochawan(Japanese rise bowl)
2) coconut milk  a half a can, 100-150 g
3) A package of Frozen Mango or Fresh mango if you can find
4) Suger
5) Condenced milk
6) Cinnamon

Combine rice and coconuts milk in a pot, with a table spoonful of sugar.  You can add or omit, the sugar, depending on how you like.  I think you can substitude coconut milk to soy milk if you need more protein. In that case add the cream of coconut milk after cooked so it will have a flavor of coconut.

Cook over the simmering heat for about 5min until rice is smooth. Don't overcook since it will become very sticky. If it became too heavy, you can always add some water or more coconut milk.

Let it cool in a fridge.  Serve with mango, condensed milk and sprinkle of cinnamon. If you can not find cinnamon, some sesame seeds or diced pistachio will do.

You can find a frozen mango so easily in a convenience store anywhere in Japan.  Cooked rice called "Satou no gohan" can be found same. condensed milk too.  So in the mountain, all you need to bring is a can of coconut milk. I think a can of coconut milk makes 2 servings.

A package of frozen mango is 200 yen so other ingredients will be another 200 yen.  Total 400 yen for 2 servings. 200 yen (2 dollar) per dish. Not too bad for a snack or a light breakfast.