


■ 誰も修正できなくなってから久しいらしいんですよね‥‥
小川山も辛いです。小川山は、ジャーマンスープレックス10cを真夏にRPしていますが、カム2個付け足せるので、日向神の 愛がなんとかという10cのスラブより絶対ジャーマンの方が初心者にお勧めではないかと思います。なんせ日向神は、下部核心だし。屈曲もしていて、初心者のリードには向かないと思います。


■ ボルトルートの安全・非安全は、リーチ次第の件
で終わりです。 リーチの問題は、思うか?思わないか?ではないです。意見、ではなく、事実。

■ ボルトスパンが平均身長に合わさっている件





Free school, Natural Farming, Free ranch, Autism, also Ortholemular...also Forestry

Japanese version of Green Climbers Home

I had so much fun in Laos so I dreamed of bringing something similar to Japan;

What was so nice? 

Very ecological... Cows and Goats are eating grass on the same field human climbing, they had very country style living. Cats and dog not to mention.

Peaceful... no one is really on competition, most climbers are not local, so they are on vacation, the local people were on low economically developed so their life is already simple.

 Diverse... men and women, young and old, any race, all are just playmates not a competitors. In Japan, climbers are competing instead of playing. It's a world of male ego.

 Simple life... eat, climb, sleep, then repeat. So simple minded. People, the belayer is like a stream of liver, comes and goes... never still. So no one ask you commitment nor loyalty, all you need is regular friendliness, and the feeling of "we are a part of big family" kind of awareness. When rope is up with a knot, you don't blame the people, you kindly offer to climb and retrieve. It is not a big deal if you have a basic kindness as a human. So everyone is trying to help each other because it is obvious no one wants to have a terrible vacation, it is supposed to be fun, not a punishment.

In Japan, rock climbing... not ice climbing in my case... was no fun at all. People are competing each other when I try to have a fun climb. Most people climb to fulfill their ego, to show off how bold they are. 

So I got disgusted and lost my appetite for climbing. 

I am a short climber of 152cm high, pretty small, smaller than Linn Hill, I think she was 158cm, and in the bolted route, i.e. sport route, how far you can reach is the basic of safety. 

Sport route safety and the reach

Most climber do not understand this,  especially, alpine climbers... because they never do bouldering in outdoor.   

In outdoor boulder, we have something called sit start. Usually sit start is much more difficult than standing start... because suddenly, you can not reach to the big hold, "Gaba" we say in Japanese, in English, it is jag, big steady holds, and in bouldering, or any kind of climbing, the smaller foot holds are harder, of course and the distance to a big good hold, is overcame by either using very small hold on foot or by range, jumping toward the big hold. 

So it is much more dynamic move is involved.

In alpine style, all moves are very static, if you have to take a dynamic move and there are a lot of chance of falling, the advice is not to climb at all, or use aid climb. 

So it is the limitation of old alpine climbers, who has limited experience as well as others. They may have good experience in the mountains, but they don't understand, this;  The lower the starting climbs, the harder it gets.  

Japanese male’s average height is about 170cm and female is 158cm. 

Old free climbing crags are mostly developed by those alpine climber who had zero understanding in boulder sit start, therefore understanding that a shorter person had to take a greater risk, when a good holds are too far away, is hard to understand for them. They just can not understand. 

So as a result of this lack of understanding, the layout of bolts in old crag is only met to the average of 170cm person. 

you are safe if you are one of average of 170 cm tall.

I found out this fact by noticing my climbing mentor does not understand the cam he sat is not at all safe to me, I needed my own setting. 

See this photo. 

This is the cam set of mine who has only 152 cm and a short reach. Notice the first to 3rd cam is much placed lower than this photo.


This is my climbing mentor's cam set. He is 175cm.

As you can see, I need the first cam at very lower place and the second too, and the 3rd.

My climbing mentor did not understand this, insisting that I should climb lead, with his cam set. (pink point) Insisting that is safer, when actually NOT.

But obviously, his cam setting is NOT safe at all to me for I can NOT reach to clip his cam with the same secure foot hold that he used. 

I need my own cam layout for my security... and he call me "CHICKEN", with his limited knowledge but he does not realize it.

As you can see, this accusation is based on ignorance and the ignorance came from his limitation of experience. He has never done the boulder outdoor nor wanted to try.  

TRAD is safe for a short person

So the reason why I like the trad better than bolted route is for my safety reason. 

I always have this bolt layout problem...it is not safe to me at all... as long as I climb bolted routes in Japan, anywhere done by old climbers. 

So my humble opinion is that all the bolted routes especially 5.9 and 5.10 something (introductory level)should be re-considered by someone new, a lead climbers with good bouldering experience, like Sachi or someone, could be Yuji. 

The fatal accident with runout is happening anywhere in Japan, because for the developer climbers with a big height, like 180cm has no understanding about this. 

It is not they are the greater climbers than shorter climbers...it only their tall height helped them to reach further than others, that's all. Nothing to be proud of, since no effort involved. 

I have seem so many taller climber with a less skill of climbing can climb better grades than me so, the grades in this case does not show any climbing skills.

5.9 for short is not 5.9 

Thus, with this reason, the shorter climbers are usually better climbers always. They need to develop better skills to climb the same grade compared to taller ones.

For example very far layout-ed jags are easy 5.9 for 180 cm climbers but it is so dangerous for 140 cm climber since that climber must jump toward that jag, which is much more chances of falling.

So shorter ones are better risk taker actually.


The Hyugami crag is originally developed as Aid-climbing 's crag. So the ethic of original bolting is; The far, the better. 

So it is norm to see, a way too far bolted routes, and in especially of taller developer's routes. 

The route called Taro, one day I was trying to climb, and my climbing partner stopped it for me, that was one case of very far bolted route. 

After this climb, I stopped climbing in Hyugami, especially the route that is unknown to me.  

It is because I did not have a partner belayer with this understanding. My partner at the time starting to call me chicken when all the reason that he thinks so was that he is tall enough to reach and clip before crux.  I was willing to overcome the hardship I've got but not with a guy who has no respect to me.

The reason of why bolts are there

The sole reason of bolts is to protect. So no more bolts than needed is just a disgrace of climbing. 

Run-out is not protecting any one really, so why don't they free sole instead?  

So if you Kyusyu climbers are really bold as you states, then free solo should have been the way of climbing but it is not so in the reality... so I concluded that they are only trying to LOOK BOLD not truthfully BOLD at all, therefore it does not worth my attention. 

Free school... teaching to kids

So I got disgusted with male dominated, and pretentious culture here in Kyusyu, supported by ignorance, I decided it is worthless of giving my time, I had to find something with true value. 

First I taught kids... and it was fun. There are a lot of free school these days in Japan,   Japanese public education is corrupting because it is more of training to obey, not education. 

Climbing can be a great thing for kids for sure, but you must teach them how to think, otherwise natural tendency is just enjoying fake scare, and ignoring the true braveness. It is easy to go for a easy praise. 

I have witnessed so many cased of wrong teaching result. So it is the climbing education which is wrong. 

The wrong education is done because the coaches are competing each others. It is a thing of generation. Japanese baby boomers does not know anything better than competition. 

Natural Farming

So I got disgusted again in competitiveness of former generation, so I sought for a different world than just competing and flarting( believe or not, they still flart age over 65)

I found the natural farming... it was a long journey... so I don't go any further than this but in short, I got disappointed again. 



Free ranch

I went for a wwoof, to get skillful about chainsaw work, because I was interested in forestry... of course in crag development, cutting down the trees was a part of job, and I wanted a proper safety education since I knew climbers are using chainsaw without education. 

It was fun to live in a hand made log house and it reminded me of the book I liked as a child "Little house in a big woods".  I was fascinated by the idea of building my own log house and now I am equipped with the skill. 

So if it is ok to cut down the trees and built my own house, I will. 


Autism and Orthomolecular medicine

Since I got knee injury, I had to stay in bed for a long time, like two month. 

In that 2 month, I did not wanted to loose my muscle I built but I did. Why? 

I did not have enough protein. I was farming so I had enough veges but not enough meat... so I lost my most of climbing muscles. So sad. 

So I started to study why I lost my muscle and found out that I was taught wrong thing in my diet, like Japanese are vegetarian or such. 

Thanks to the study, I learned about mental illness came from a wrong diet, and these days there are a lot of kids with autism, ADHD, or such... also came from a wrong diet. 

I can think of some incidents with my climbing mentor that he get so easily irritated and short sighted and acted like ADHD... such as I was abandoned in Korea by my mentor, because I refused to climb wide crack that is, stemming was the must, when my knee was so loose, that I could hardly carry my pack...I went there because two other climbers said they won't go if I don't go... so I had to put up with the pain.

I thought he was a kind of a guy who ask where is my meal? when a sick wife is in bed... he was asking me to entertain him when I am in physical pain obviously... I was puzzled then, thinking I was betrayed since I trusted him so much, but it was ADHD or autism, his conception was sickened... perhaps. 

So this is so far what happened to me this 5 years in Kyusyu.  A bad experience. 

My husband could not understand what I was going through since he does not understand climbing and he thinks I am lazy, since I don't hold regular job now, who can work as a yoga teacher with injured leg?  In retrospect, I had been going through such a tough time without a friend nor support. 

No one really see my standing point, no one could really see things from my aspects, since there is no other 152cm female climber with 17kg grab power. But I have  a fluent English, and a lot of dreams of peace and love worlds...I still know everyone will love GCH Japanese version since older people are going there but I know now I am not going to make any sacrifice for that.

I had my good times, also, to be fair... it was great to walk around Korean mountains also, a visit to Taiwan was great, I get to know few Thai climber friends. 

But those are the people I should be friends with, not my fellow climbers in Japan.

                   Green Buddha  I like Green climber, not competitive climber

この記事の日本語版 https://allnevery.blogspot.com/2019/08/blog-post_68.html

初心者の方へ:リードのとり方 (一般のボルトルート)

 ■ クライミング初心者のリードの仕方




































■ 思考と吠える習慣










5.14レベルの高難度を登るクライマーが、みんなクライミングビデオで吠えているので、真似したいって気持ちのためでしょうかね? ますます何も考えていない証って話になるな。




Hippy, climber, risk taker, or pionieer girl

Two years in California 

As a student of English, I wanted go learn to speak sooooo deadly, in my younger age. 

But how was the big question.  I was a first child of 3 siblings, and my mom was single mom... it does not seem possible to study abroad financially. 

But I made it. It was easy, I became an Au-pair. 

The information was hidden from the regular Japanese people since they want rich Japanese to pay for whatever worthless, they want to rip you off for nothing. 

So I became Au-pair and the family I worked for was Jewish catholic family, of doctor and college professor... married and two kids, 11 and 6 year old boys, living the wealthiest area at the time, in SF bay area. 

I had just one year contract but I felt 1 year was too short for me to get me English enough to use in business, so I extended 1 more years. 

I also moved to SF city, and started living on my own as baby sitter to commute to my workplace. 

Since I was living in a mission district, the poorest neighborhood in the city, I could concentrate on acquiring my English, working only 2 days in a week, the rest I was exploring the city, meeting a new people, and learning living English as a volunteer, in a St.Dolothess Church and Rainbow Thrift store, also red cross. 

I got a boy friend when I was in Alamo and also when in SF, not at the same time of course.  So largely my English came from them. So sometimes I got confused with vocabulary... I wish I could be more sophisticated but can not help anymore...

Anyway, I loved there. To be honest, I was to going back there in my 20's. I gave up my dream of having a life in SF where I feel at home. 

I am a kind of person feel home at hippy life, but I am in Japan, so square! 

That is what makes my life tough... I feel like I had to pretend as a normal Japanese, when I am total unfit to the regular Japanese society. 

Research on Japanese country side 

My home town is Kumamoto city, the second largest city in Kyusyu, and my mom and dad were from more country side, but they fled there to seek a financial success. 

My dad headed for Tokyo, which is like NY city in the U.S. where as my mom wanted to stay in the Kumamoto city, cosy but not backward. 

I grow up in the Kumamoto city and I think it was tooo small city, very close minded and backward compared to SF. 

SF doesn't have much size, but it is first quality culture and as a city, it has top-notch quality. 

The SF symphony and ballet is world class, their political stand point is historically liberal, and world class city in every aspects. 

I was living in near Walnut week, one hour bart commute to the city, and it was very dull... it is a good location for raising kids, but not much going on there. 

I took a ballet class in walnut creeks city center and it was chinease teacher so I was quite impressed.  

I moved 6 times in the city for I wanted to experiment every neighborhood in the city... I had lived with male homosexual, also lesbian mother who wanted a diverse environment for her hetero daughter. 

I had a boyfriend, middle class, blue eyed coccasion but he was not safe in the neighborhood I lived... since I was Asian, and I was a part of the neighborhood but he was not. 

I could easily use internet in SFSU as a guest since people were nice, I could use computer room as a neighbor, so I used my telnet command to tell my updates to my friend back in Japan. 

I even attended a class in UC Barkley.... one day, I went to the class as I do usually, and it was test day! I could not go out of the class and handed blank paper. 

So I had my share of fun time, I love to do that again, I was sooo poor, sometimes I had to put up with just some apples for a week, but it was the best prime time in my life. 

I was poor but poor were everywhere and I knew I was a good help to my neighbors also I was young and getting what I want from a life.

My boyfriend David did not want me go back to Japan. But I had school loan, which if I quit a school to get married to him, I had to return the money at all once. So there is no way of quitting my uni.  I was the hostage. 

So I had to give up my true wish for the money that time.... living in the city and get married to a guy I loved. 

He came to Japan but I was too busy to support my costly Osaka life, and finishing my theses...  in SF I was living on 500 dollers back then, but in Osaka, I could not go lower than 1500 dollers... the apartment only costed double... food was also double, and commuting... 5 times more. 

David was a family man and he missed his family so much and there were no kind Japanese who speak to him, kids run away from him, and older people hid from him, so he became alcoholic out of loneliness... it costed a lot to connected to the internet, wifi was not free like now, and telephone was so expensive. 

One day, he was on acute pain in his head, and we visited so many doctors but no one really could find the reason. He had to go back to the states immediately and it was a straight emergency room out of aircraft. 

I feel so badly about what had to happen to him. We broke up afterwards. 

Being a software engineer

It was my teenage dream that I became a programmer so I taught myself BASIC language at age 14, with a book. 

I became a librarian at 18 and back then, university library had most sophisticated access of Internet, using linux. I was young and I learned quickly about how to send email, and chat around the world, there were famous SF baymoo too, that I joined. 

So it was quite young I became familiar with internet, so coming back from the U.S., I taught new students in other university, how to install email software on your lap top or such.... 

Right before my graduation I was working as a student interpreter in a local machinary factory who installed a machine from Germany, and this job was easy and good paid, I could understand machinery better than an old man working there. 

So this job let me to Panasonic, a robot labo, so I became a engineer there, even though my major was English, not engineering. 

Everyone was surprised but it was no surprised to me at all, since robot language was same as Basic languages I learned at 14 and I was now 25. It was old knowledge already to me.  

Anyway, this is how I became a robot engineer at age 25 without getting engineering education. I was highly paid and soon became independent software developer. So one of my dream was accomplished. 


Now, I wanted to get married have some kids. But this dream did not come true. 

I got married to my current husband Moto, the engineer also, at age 29. I was so heartbroken after I had broke up with David and Moto seemed very quiet and at ease. 

We brought our new home in the mid center of Osaka down town, tiny apartment, where I can commute by bicycle to my office, I was working for software company who sells software for mainframe, like IBMs. 

Since I was ex-programmer and knew already components of computers it was easy for me to translate software technical paper and I was very good at work. 

But sadly this job was run by very abusive president, he was violent to the people who were working for him...I was let go since I did not like the violence. 

My husband got a job transfer at the same timing and he desparately wanted me to come with him, so I accompanied with him in Fukuoka, the biggest city of Kyusyu, back then I was still not giving up working mom idea. 

So I find a job in Mitusi bussan, or should I say, they found me. I was A student in my business school in Osaka and took MVP in my marketing class but could not able to find a suitable marketing position then, and suddenly, Bussan was in front of me. 

Working as a sales in trading company was much different from working as an engineer... I knew I was a 3 times good engineer than average, since we major our productivity, and I was head hunted from telecom New Zealand back then, but as a office job, and sales, I was not sure of what to do... so this job was very strange to me, I did not know if I am doing good or bad... 

The job was mainly seeing people and listening what problem they've got, and thinking if we can help. Today's trading company doesn't trade goods, they trades business, so there were M&B's, starting-up, and investing a new business, or buying a business. 

One of those job in between were agri business and local development, and the move was so slow compared to software, we are just like having fun traveling around and listening to the seminars... making reports on those was my duty. 

My secret dream was becoming a journalist so I made a lot of good reports to the company back then, and I learned a lot about the business then. 


My husband got a second job transfer to Yamanashi and I was shocked... I was going on 35... and not yet conceived... I was not giving up my dream of having a kid, and I was frustrated by this job transfer, since it takes so much time to set up the comfortable environment for a woman... I needed some girl friends when I need I can count on...

and Yamanashi was a way too country side... I can not find any office job that suit me.... I was working for a top notch company and no other company seem to fit me...  I consulted recruiter right after I moved to Yamanshi and she declared there is no job that fit to me in Yamanashi. I must go to Tokyo, if I work. 

I did so in Tokyo for a while but it was impossible for me to work in Tokyo, and get pregnant at the same time... too busy too stressful, keeping two houses...

I had a short trip to Melbourne back then to think about what to do with my life... and came back to Yamanashi deciding to become yoga teacher...

As I told before I was 20 year student of ballet so my body was already flexible enough to became a yoga teacher. In a year or so, I became a yoga teacher but I had to compromise largely my income. It became one of tenth. 


I had too much time to kill and need something does not cost me too much so I started to visit the local mountains. I had also tried other things like having my own vegetable garden but it was too costly... 

The mountain was free of charge, costed me almost zero, except for the gas for the car. 

 So I started to go often and it was like becoming a friend to the nature... to my surprise I was a good climber, reader and it seemed my body agree to that. 

128 days in the mountains

so the busiest year I had climbed 128 days a year in the mountains... mostly snow and ice climbing, as I told before. 

A mountain guide

I was good enough to get a mountain guide license but I was not sure about the job even when I was in Yamanashi... 

because I saw guides who aren't earning at all... and in my opinion, a guiding system was wrong. 

You need at least two guides for any mountains for safety... but guides are basically working alone. 

3rd time job transfer

As my husband get his 3rd time job transfer I lost my yoga job which I worked for 6 years and earned my position of best selling teacher at the studio, and radio program in YBS... again in jobless, I did not know what to do next. 

I was going abroad for climbing which is pretty quick as a climber, I was only climbing for about 3 years then, and loosing job, loosing mountains I can ice climb, and loosing friends and partner was hard on me. 

Plus my husband do not understand my passion, I was constantly trying to go abroad and he was constantly trying to prevent me form feeling from old Japan. 

Now I am back in Kyusyu, where my old heritage is. I hate my home town for it is narrow sight...close minded culture. Ofcourse there are some people who are not like that, not conservative, but those people will go out of town looking for an opportunity for the better. 

I did had my opportunity but I could not grab sadly...

I am now where I am and don't know where to headed for. 

One thing is for sure, I spend 5 years in Fukuoka trying to find a best place to set up a Japanese version of GCH, where old and young, women and men, free climber and alpine climber can all climb in peace, is impossible to realize today's Japan. 

Even a slow starter like me, who started to climb at age 41 can climb this.

On Hygami, it's a very confused crag

Knee injury

Right before 3rd times in Korea Insubon, and Kishira expedition, I got a knee injury, dislocation. 

I did not take it seriously until I met a female climber with the same problem said it became habit. I do not want that habit. 

I was climbing with unstable knee since putting up was my standard of life. 

I put up with childhood poverty... as a first child of 3 and of single mother, I was the little house wife at age of 8, I was the primarily care taker at home for a long time.

I went for a night school in my uni... because I did not want my mom to carry harder burden... financially, so my independence was pretty early, I was working part-time at my high school sophomore. Worked full-time at a freshman of university. 

So putting up the hardship was my second nature... I did not realize that my knee injury was such a serious issue. 

Subconscious had protected me

But in my retrospect, I was climbing with people of not enough safety awareness... 

so my subconscious or my guardian angel? must have protected me by giving me this minor injury, just enough to keep me away from climbing but not a burden for regular life. 

So I stopped climbing. 

Local government and Crag

Instead, I started to use my business skills in introducing the crag to local governments.  

Japanese crags were not known by local government since climbers had felt somewhat guilty historically, they hid their activity from the world especially the government. 

But these days, local community needs attractions, they want tourists to come visit the country side villages where the crags are. They are welcoming even the deadly climbing. 

I had experience in working Mitsui Bussan before I started to climb, and developed local attractions such as Mojij port and renewal of Hakata station. It was part of my job that partially set the scheme of getting more tourists and paying off that cost. 

I had a experience in Green Climbers Home and The Bivy in Taiwan, so why not we in Japan has something similar? 

It seemed a good idea to me at first thoughts. 

So I did what I did like in my paying job, without being paid... 

I had introduced Nodake crag in Omura Local government, Hachimen crag in Nakatsu government, and was about to introduce Tengu crag in Itsuki local government... 

On Hyugami... it's a very confused crag

I had stopped to introducing Hyugami crag to Kuroki government since Hyugami crag's bolts are too old and too dangerous for accepting guest climbers...  Modern free climber thinks it is OK to fall at any route at any bolts... falling in the Hyugami is very conditional, i.e., at some routes bolts are chemical, so it is safe as bolt-wise but is is too runout, so easy peasy fall is nono

... like Muchuhokou 5.9, from the 1st to 3rd running is very far to each other so you can not fall, but I think it is very easy, RCC II's 3rd grades(about 5.4?), but on the top of the routes you need to make a 5.10b kind of move... that is the crux.  So it is OK to make a fall in that crux since it is a way up high, and bolts are secure, since it is chemical, but nono to fall until you clip first 3 bolts. 

Can you understand how difficult to explain the situation? 

Do you think modern gym climbers will understand the situation? 

And most of the routes are still "Cut anchor" and top rope is impossible without climbing lead... 

You need eyes for bolts and eyes for runouts.

so, I concluded that is is too complicated to accepts guests and even as a local climber, Hyugami had no attraction. It was not like Ogawayama. 

Difference between Ogawayama and Hyugami

Ogawayama is granite slab and crack, it is basically trad crag. So when bolts are too far away, you are supposed to reinforce the safety by your own decision. 

See this photo of me climbing;

As you can see, I added 2 small cams before I climb different steepness. It is the basic of protection placement. Different angle, another protection. Because human body had to go climb with different technique. More chance of accidents. 

The policy is ; When possible take your pro, or you are fool. Unless you are too confident you can not fall at all. This is very famous 5.10c slab. 

On the contrary, this is Hyugami.  There is no room for adding protection of your own. 

This is only 5.10b, but it is NOT recommendable for beginner since the start of the climbing is bumpy, you can hit the bump. Even if you clip properly. Belayed properly.

The bolt is not good enough placed as you see. If I fall now, I will hit the rock. 

I had climbed down this problem. I don't like this one. I would recommend 5.11 or above climber to lead this 5.10b. Since fall is not acceptable. 

 Also, I think this route's bolt can be more wisely placed. Overhang definitely need to be properly set. 

As a ice climber, I was setting my protections so I could detect this poorly set bolts but normal free climber at a beginner level of 5.1X... will have no way of knowing.

So this is the quick explanation of different climb of the different crag. 

Hyugami, was developed as a aid climbing crag at first and in aid climb, taller was the better climber, so their theory was not fit to free climbing. 

Past glory…not eyes open for today

It is not even developed by ground-up, so aid climbed in a beginning with cheap scary bolts, means not suited for free climbing which is fall is norm.... 

Also there were a way too many developers competing their EGO there, it is impossible for them to understand what best in the today's climb... they are too trapped past glory... when a high school student can onsight 5.12 in the first day of his climb.... they can not stop forgetting their first 5.9 of runout, so, the best strategy is to wait.  

Otherwise, unnecessary bolts might be added.  Since no one really listening the song of the rocks. Their intention is somewhere else.

In English saying, there is "Any road gets you there if you don't know where you going... " is the exactly what happened to this sad crag... at first, aid climbing, and the cheap bolts used for aid climb was kept used for free climbing, cheap bolts, and sometimes scary setting, sometimes wrongly setting, sometimes overly protective, and lack of diligence. This belay station was legacy. A hand made. 

It was like 40 years ago Japan was kept alive.

           Legacy anchor example.  No one in mainland Japan used this kind anymore

I hope the situation gets better in Hyugami, since it is the most popular crag in Kyusyu. 

But I can not recommend anyone beginner or traveler since it is too picky and too spooky to trust. I will be so irresponsible if I do. 

The sad thing is people there can not realize this. The even more sad is people with a up-to-date knowledge is just waiting for them to die, since the things straighten up is better off for everyone except for developer.  Without him everyone is happier... isn't that sad or what...? 


Buddha taught me it is the attachement

My 2-year younger partner

I had stopped climbing with my ex-senior partner called "Araki", he was 2 year younger than me,  since I noticed he was unaware of the risk of old rotten bolts and also the risk of being egged to do something silly... like going to the multi-pitches, without two ropes. I guess we were tricked by local climbers.

It was the famous routes, called "Hakua slab", he wanted to go there without proper rope setting. 

It was my own mistake I followed him, but if I said no to him, he may not have any partners to go climb there; it is 5 pitch climb, 5.8 face, two 5.10a slabs, 5.11 crack, 5.7 face, we went for one single rope of 50 m when even the first pitch had 35m and it was a far from a success climb. Actually, it is one of the worst climb I ever did. so I was ashamed of.

How? Everytime in my turn, rope was not up. The first case, it was stuck by wrongly placed cam, so I had to climb with rope. Not free climb, so it was not at all fun, it was just an exercise.  

The second, he connected two pitches missing the belay station, so rope length was not enough, again I had to hang on the rope which was unsure if he caught me. When I went up to him, we were hanging onto a single one bolt, which was the "cut anchor"... so if that bolt got failed, we both were hit down to the earth.  

It was sabotage of the proper planning but also, the local meant "do not use the bolt" by using the term of "There is no going back" and my mistake was that  I had trusted him without my regular "trust but check" process. 

I think now, he was egged to do so by local climbers who were so mean to new comers who innocently trust any bolts, they wanted to test him, because he does not know the climb in Kyusyu so much, they don't care any outsider dies... they have no conscience.  

Also he wanted to show off his skills and also…sadly he was one of those kind; he wanted deadly included by members of Kyusyu...it is so important to him that he is same as the others. So he desperately needed to do something bold so he will be included. In short, he wanted respect so deadly. I could sensed it. So I wanted to help with that. I was thinking of my dead brother.

I was too nice to him even before I came to Kyusyu since any men younger than me, feels like my past younger brother who died young. He was an athlete and he did not do well at school, I was the smarter one and he seemed a bit challenged about his intelligence... so I felt obliged to help him all the time. 

This was "Projection". 

I did not realize I am projecting my dead brother to young fellow climbers... I felt sorry for them all the time for not quite being able to assess the risk of climbs.

Because I myself had climbed with my great climbing mentors... I never felt scared as a second, rope was proper all the time, and I could trust 100%. 

So I was feeling I was privileged, and somehow trying to let them know what I am learning from my mentors. Like a beautiful rope work.

But after this "Hakua slab" climb, I understood those young climbers would never learn from the wise men. Because the intention is different.

The intention creates the world; Buddha says.

The climb is there only as a nice background flame of male narcissism. Not as something of young men's passion. 

Who would put one's life on someone else to look good on a picture? It is foolish. 

That is how my life was treated like a trash. 

I was so sad that I foolishly trusted the climber who only wants to look good and proud, without taking responsibility as a climber...  


I went for Kishira trad crag in Kagoshima. 

There were the trad route that seemed my level, so I wanted to lead, but he did not offer his belay in back, so I finally understood our relationship. Finally, I cut him off, realizing I was only being used.  

BTW, my belay is pretty secure since I was climbing much heavier climber as my mentor and my body weight is light, natural shock absorber. I am at risk though. 

So he only took the advantage of this.  Usually Japanese men hates climbing with a woman since he does not want to look sissy. Sometimes there are men who wants to only climb with female, because they know female climbers are better takers of responsibility of belay.

Stolen partner

There were a climber who came to rope with me, and this guy was taken by him... so I am again being used by him many times. 

It was not the first time, he stole my partner who without me he could not know each others. 

I was sad being used and being such sad position but it was better than being killed... 

This kind of people has mixed up sense of give&takes, since I knew he wanted me to introduce Korean ice just to "jojn the club" in Kyusyu... I am a better ice climber than him, also have better skills climbing abroad... why do I have to serve my hard earned skills to fulfill someone who disrespect me?  I was even a professional interpreter and translator. They won't even offer me a belay and used me like a trash. Why am I obliged to offer my skills? It is not give and take, it is give and stolen.  This happens a lot when men are too proud of himself. He usually treats women like his mom. Since moms put sons first for anything.

I just can not find the reason.  I am explaining this in a way they could understand, which is give and take, it is give and taken in my case.

If you are cooperative climber, you must watch for it. You may not given anything back.


Yet, I could not let go of climbing... since it was "attachment". 

After 2 years of studying Buddhism, I finally realized, I was trying to find the answer for my question... 

"Why my father had to abandon me as a child of age 6, my brother age 4, and my sister age 2...?"

My mom had to divorce my dad since he did not work, made girlfriends, also drunk, even abused us...  the last sight of him I remember is my dad sleeping in a pool of his own water, drunk. 

The pain of abandoned kid, persisted in me, and I was trying to find the reason why my father abandoned us and did not loved us... however made my mom pregnant, not just once, three times. I remember her crying being abused.

My mom was to my dad was just an accessory or a gear to make him look nice. 

He never wanted us kids, he only wanted to please himself with sexual pleasure like climbers who only wanted to fulfill his narcissism by bragging how good he is. 

Perhaps for most men, climbing is a substitute for ejaculation. Especially, outdoor boulder. 

Anyway, I knew why I was put in danger for so many times now. It is the intention of the climbing... he only wanted to look good. 

And that intention will never change. 

Flash back

And it was my attachment toward the question which draw me toward such immature climbers...  

I was having a flash back of my earliest memory of my dad... he pushed me in a swimming pool, believing a baby can swim without being taught how... I was drowned and my dad face was smiling without knowing I am as a baby girl, drawn... in front of my guardian's eyes... Guardian is not a guard to me, it was a threat. 

So finally I got rid of my threat. 


Conclusion: Green climbers home in Japan is impossible!

The climbing culture in Japan

They are competing how bold they were by jumping off from the 40-year-old Cut anchor believing it is stronger than cams.  The truth is cam is safer since you can add anytime if you feel unsafe. 

The sport climbing in the crag is considered safest choice in the climbing community. 

However it is only so, only when bolts are placed properly. And this is not done in Kyusyu. 

but it is not so in Japan, that can explain recent popularity in trad.

I was climbing with my senior at ex alpine club which I joined shortly, when I was a beginner,  and we went for Azumaya crag, for our first time in cragging in Kyusyu.

The R route without R  ... Indian Face

There we saw a grand fall. https://allnevery.blogspot.com/2018/04/blog-post_23.html

The grand fall was done in the route called, "Indian face 5.10b". I happened to see the entire accidents and belayer was standing properly very close to the wall, and the tall male climber failed to clip the 3rd one. He broke his back born and carried to the hospital. 

My climbing partner had to go clean up. He could red-point up to 5.12. So the 5,10b should be easy enough to him. He did not seem to notice the runout between 2nd and 3rd.

On the contrary, I was horrified!  

Because, 5.10b is my grade, I was very positively trying to onsite those grades. something of 5.1X... was my next level. 

5.10b ----> 5.10d

Later at home, I consulted to a lady climber who I knew in Kyusyu, a new friend, about this accidents. 

She told me "Maybe the 5.10b was not correct, since Azumaya is the crag that is told the grades are two grades high"

I asked her, "So you mean, 5.10b was actually 5.10d?" 

"No", she said, "It may be 5.11b". She also said this crag is no one really enjoys since it is badly bolted. It was the first "Free climber"'s opinion. 

I could onsight there 5.8 and 9. But in retrospect, the bolts were infamous "cut anchor". 

Later I met the developer there, and I did not like him. He was one of those, who are so proud of his skill, how bold he is, and force other people should do exactly same as him. Each people has each strength and skills. Expecting the same talent to everyone is just impossible but some people do not realize it until they kill someone. I only feel so sorry for those guys... for I had young brother, 2 year younger than me and he was medalist swimmer but had passed away at age 24... I think of my dead bro, all the time when I saw this kind of people, too short sighted. 

Syayou 5.9

Later in the summer of 2017, I was in Osaka, to take care of my downtown apartment.  There, my climbing mentor was back to his old house also, to celebrate his grand children was born. 

He took me out for drinking, and there I learned about the routes called Syayou 5.9. 

The Kansai climber was very honest people, anybody can read what's going on in the crag and what to be considered. 

"Syayou" had 6 serious accidents, and 4th running was too far, so when failed, people broke there legs. 6 cases are good enough. 

My climbing mentor was complaining that the developer is too proud of himself so stubborn that he did not let replace the bolt at a proper height, 70 cm lower... he insisted that the belayer should run backwards. Silly. 

70 cm is not the distance I can manage somehow, as a short climber... so I was horrified again... 5.9 was my onsite grade those time, so I was willing and eager to climb anything labeled 5.9. So I took this conversation as a gift from my mentor; he must have warned me. 

The good thing is that in Kansai(Osaka), those were discussed. In Kyusyu, there is no open discussion nor warning of badly placed bolts for new comer.  So it works some sort of tricks, people climb without knowing it is R, or X.  

The culture in Green Climbers Home in Laos 

I was fascinated by the culture of Green Climbers Home since I could pick up any route and climb without feeling too much fear... 

I wanted to build the bottom of climbing pyramids... according to Wolfgang Güllich, your climbing skill makes pyramid construction, very stable 5.9 climber is a beginner in 5.10b, two grades higher. So based on this theory, I am finally allowed to lead climb outdoor crags... since I hardly ever fall in 5.9 which is equivalent to 5c. 

I wanted to climb as many 5c as I can since I am determined to build the solid base of my climbing skill so I won't ever fall in 5.9. 

I finished climbing all 5c there and noone looking down on me, not just that, young men at my half of age were struggleing at the same 5c, sometimes I am better than they. 

A one 7A climber told me, "I can climb up to 7A but sometime I struggle even at 6A so this is what is fun in the climbing. We all struggle." 

Another climber said, "I can climb 5.13 if I try and try and try, but I enjoy any level of climb. So it is not a big deal if you need me clean up for your draw."

He was a very popular man in the crag, every one loved him. I did not need to ask him to clean up my draw but I thought it is a very different climbing culture than Japan. 

Japanese climbing culture

In Japan, if you fall on 5.9, people look down on you. Talk behind you that you are no climber.  You are trying something at your limitation, and can not retrieve you draw? People call you a name. Looking down on you. That is so nasty. Unforgiving. 

I was very scared to lead 5.9 in Ogawayama for a long time, since I can not reach to the bolts... from where I am standing, when taller people can easily clip to the bolts, for their safety, I could not. 

I had to be able to stand smaller foot stance, then it will not be 5.9, more like 5.11...  clipping failure can be fatal, I had already done in my Ogawayama without my mentor...  it was forced lead climb from my younger fellow, they are so unconscious bout climbing grade differ by body size. 

They knew me climbing harder in plastic so they said, "Why don't you try this 5.10b" and it was peer pressure. I could not reach the 3rd bolts, failed to clip with rope on my hand so I was at 50 cm meter above the ground when I was caught. 

I said to myself I should never climb by peer pressure again.  

Back to home, in the car, the young man who took us said, "You were most dangerous climber today..." and he did not seem to realize it was forced lead climb and I did not say I want to lead that one, it was him, who wanted me to go there, even though I had nothing else to climb. He was climbing 5.13 and 99% of his climbing was hang dog, whereas I was taught not to fall ever as an alpine climber.  

So, this is the difference in two culture. 

In Japan, it is something of "Pride" and "Boldness".  They are competing. It will eventually kill someone of course, the weakest ones. 

So it is impossible to stop killing since it is a mass bullying is what is happening. They need a cat to be kicked.  and as a short, older started,  I am the easiest target.

I do not want to join the competition, it is no worth. I don't care who is the most bold. I care about my life.

In GCH, it is just "fun stuff" and "take it easy".  No one sets the male pride on climbing grade, I think it is foolish that showing off to climb better than me who started to climb at age 41 and you are only 14 year old young man. Ofcourse you win. Or you've been climbing around 40 years now? Ofcourse you win.


Japan. The crags and situations.

My education

I was taught the early stage climbing education in Sangaku Sougou Center, in Nagano. It is the mountaineering educational school, run publicly by Nagano prefecture. 

Why? Because, alpine clubs in local area can not function anymore for they are getting older, no one to teach young brad. 

I started the mountains at age 38 as a substitute for my classical ballet as my regular exercise, and I was only interested in snow. Summer time, the mountains are very crowded and uncomfortable, so I did not have experience in alpine rock. 

But I had experience in snow mountain I spend 3 years prior to the school. 

In the mountaineering school, I was taught from rappel in the snowy mountains. Belay was using snow bar and bolart, so huge runout is just considered normal, it is impossible to set running every 3 m...  

I did not have sport climbing experience at all so it took me a year to understand belay in free climbing... it is not the same in the mountains, where you are mostly walking than climbing. 

I was one of 5 women in 35 participants and 2 women had left in the first day. So there were only 3 women in the 1 year course. The teacher of my team of 4 was one of the cheif of rescue team in Yatsugatake mountains. I was the strongest walker in my team, the other member was all male but they weren't getting used at walking in the snow. 

Soon I had my first climbing mentor Suzuki. He was the wisest mentor I ever had. At his, I climbed very introduction of alpine rock, like Mitsutouge, or Jyogo sawa to Iou mountain... or Sawa nobori. 

so I am no expert in Free climbing nor Sport climbing. Those climbing style was not aimed, it was only used to reinforce my basic skills in the mountains. 

Now I am an ice climber since my second mentor was so, but this is too, for me, it was a choice of safety. As I learned snow, I soon realized that I am too old and too weak to keep going up for the snow mountains. so I switched to climbing. Because it was safer and still I can spend my day in a mountain.  So I was not a person who take half an hour only to get a head lamp out of my backpack, from the beginning.

Japan's crag

so I spent my early time in Yamanashi, and climbed ice falls mostly. The summer time was dull time, I spend my most time in practicing yoga and climbing gym was not a place for me at all... 

I loved mountains for its beauty... the gym? I went there only because it is necessary... I was good ice climber according to my mentor,  better than men who are good at in the gym. In ice climb, you dance on the ice so there aren't much to share in the climbing gym. 

It was only in 2016 that I met Yoshida, a famous free climber, the first full-time climber in Japan. I needed to learn how to climb trad. so I went for him. I could climb 5.10 in that year so my mentor took me to Insubone Korea. 

Kyusyu ... a time capsule

Until I came to Kyusyu, I was not at all aware of crag situation in local areas of Japan. 

Kyusyu, the crags are bolted by bolts called "cut anchor".... it looks as regular bolts but it is not. 

 This is the cut anchor. Who can tell? I noticed this by trying to provide bolts to developer. He did NOT know FIXE. 

    This is how the bolt should look like, see the head is different

It has 5-15kN strength when freshly installed, it is about the same as red camelot, and the bolts are 40 years old now. Very dangerous. 

In my free climbing education, I was taught I should NEVER fall until I clip 3 draws. 

In fact, if I can not clip 3 times, with confidence, I should never even try. I was taught this but even in Yamanashi, young climbers are falling without worrying about bolts might be broken. Kyusyu? even more so. They are competing. which is not my cup of tea.

In Kyusyu, I was called as Chicken for the same reason I was loved in Yamanashi

But I witnessed so many scary habits in Kyusyu... like using grip belay with ATC, belaying only one hand, belay device was not attached to the body, sitting while belaying, wrong grading, huge runout...

Old rustic bolts was only one things... there seemed tons of problems. Basically lack of climbing education, i.e., "Modern"belay and self-rescue rope work, seemed missing. 

and people were competing how bold they were by jumping off from those 40 year old rustic bolts and if you don't, they bully you calling you as chicken. OK, let them.

So this was what I am experiencing in Kyusyu, it is too childish and I consider my life worth much more than those foolishness. 

 so called "experienced" climber in the "famous" alpine club gave me this photo, and me in the left... WHAT??? why two climbers climbing? We went there 3 so only one is belaying for two climbers... So this photo froze me and I never seen them again. It was the first time I climbed with them as a newbie, and I had to lead.

Lesson; never trust old climber till he shows his truth!



クライマーの皆さん そろそろ日本のクライミング教育に向き合いませんか⁇

■ バレエ歴20年

である。大人からスタートして、一般のバレエ女子が辞める年齢…18歳でバレエをスタートした。だから大人でスタートしたおばちゃんたちには羨望のまなざし(笑)。 38歳で山梨ではどうしてもバレエ教室がなく、断念して、代わりにクライミングをすることになったんだが…。



 まさしくクライミング界も 向き合ってほしい。

 間違っていることは、いくら、 みんながやっていても間違っている


■ 「暗黙知」になっているボルトが危険、という情報

九州には、カットアンカーの 岩場しかない。


 ”40年経っていなくても” 5-15kNしか強度がない




■ 陰湿ないじめ文化







■ 漠然としているボルト知識


















その場には、152cmの私より小さいおじさんがいて、「俺にも危険だ」ということで、かばってくれたが… その、挑発してきたオジサンは、びっこひいていた…ので、たぶん、元々自分が挑発に乗りやすい性格で、粋がって無理をしたんだろう…同じ目に遭う同じ穴のムジナを募集中だったのかもしれないが…








 「俺、10段飛べるぜ!」 それで大怪我しても尊敬を貰える、というのが男の子の世界なのだ。 







■ 野岳よ、お前もか…


■ 怖いほうがいい








■ 悪業を作らない仕事をクライマーに






が、ちゃんと自伐型の森が進んでいた。うれしい!さすが元・行政マンが入っているだけのことはある。 ちなみに私はこの方のファンである。


■ 現代社会は、善の仕事は見極めが難しい






登山ガイド → 山を自分で学ぼうとせず、自己顕示欲だけの”登山客”を連れていく羽目になり、なおかつ、体の小さい人には自分の命が危険になる。ヒトの自己顕示欲のために自分の命を差し出すような、そんな愚かなことはしてはいけない。

自伐型林業 → 実際は自伐型をせず、既存林業の儲けの出ないところである、下草刈りや植林のニンクに駆り出される、ババ引きのババ、でもあり、なおかつ、水害の原因となっている既存林業に手を貸すことになる場合がある。よくよく見極めが必要。


■ ロクスノ整理中…









■ 時代錯誤 比叡
















40年前にトップクラスでも、その40年前のままの実力があったとしても、現代では、中級者です… なんせ40年前って、5.9が登れたら、会でスゴイ!って言われたそうですが、今って5.9で落ちたら、もはやクライマーじゃねぇって顔される時代です…。 




 2)日之影×自伐型 は大変将来的に見込みのある組み合わせ

■ 延岡



 五右衛門風呂 ×薪 ×ボロ屋





■ 行縢クラック

延岡は、日之影&比叡より、行縢がすごい。一流クライマー(山野井、奥村)の初登ルートもあるし、 最近ではマルボーさんが開拓している。しかも、ボルト不要のクラック。ただし、南国ですぐ植生が復活してしまうので、こまめなメンテが必要、で、延岡こそ、









 ■ ログハウス作り








植林は、どこでも伐期を迎えており、 立派な丸太が二束三文の安値で、木材チップにならんばかりの勢いである…ああ、もったいない! こんな立派なのでもB材なのだとか。







まるでクライミングのカットアンカー事件のようなことだ。 知っている人は登らないカットアンカーも、ペツルだ~とか言って登ってしまっていた山梨組の私たち…。いや、普通しらないでしょう…







なんせ チェーンソーって10分以上連続作業してはいけないのである。その上、トータル作業時間の上限も一日2時間まで。 






使い方 http://www.ffpri-kys.affrc.go.jp/kysmr/data/mr0009k3.htm






登山者は山側ではなく、谷側を歩くことになり、路肩が崩れそうだし… 木道の残骸があるほうが危険。












■ 杉巨木がおススメ



巨木の森は、一見の価値あり… お宮の中なのだが、アメリカのレッドウッドみたいな、小人感覚に陥る。


九州の原生林について http://www.ffpri-kys.affrc.go.jp/kysmr/data/mr0009k3.htm










藤門さんの奥さんの宇土巻子さんに大学のころは憧れていた…なぜ北海道に移住されたのでしょう? やっぱり封建的な土地がダメだったのかなぁ…

私も北海道に行ってみたいんだが… ログハウス作るなら、



チェーンソーも使えるようになったし、ユンボも使えるようになったし、ログハウス作りの展望も大体開けたので… だいぶ成長したなぁ!














お土産の写真… 昔、ロボットのソフト開発部にいるころ、「最近、入った男子は、エライ小さいなぁ」と言われていたんだよなぁ… 作業服で仕事していました… 女子力使う営業とかより、ユニセックスな仕事が好き。