
Nestcafe... Aki's place.... my favorite girlfriend is running a restarurant

The most valuable discovery during my Achilles tendon rupture and subsequent surgery on March 1st was a newfound resilience. 

Living and getting by became an immense challenge, with the need for a crutch preventing me from even going shopping.

My husband who had no intention of helping, he offered little assistance in action, I maintained my independence despite the injury that confined me. 

This saddened me, as I had always been the caregiver in my relationships. 

Not just with him, but in my youth, I played the role of "another small mommy" for my siblings when my own mother needed help raising us. 

When faced with financial difficulties, I had to turn down expectations and prioritize my own education, since my mom gets so used to the idea that I help her always. In reality, it is unrealistic for a young girl at age 18 to work for siblings. 

In the realm of climbing, I took on the responsibility of guiding newcomers, organizing knot learning classes, and facilitating the transfer of skills through the involvement of climbing guides. 

Transitioning through my husband's job transfers meant sacrificing my own beloved jobs, challenging the perception of the importance of my work, as others assumed my husband was the caretaker.

The difficulty in being understood by others stemmed from the misconception that my husband was taking care of me, when in reality, it was often the opposite. The dynamic of who takes care of whom is complicated, especially when money plays a predominant role in society.

My connection with Aki, the owner of the restaurant I frequent, has become a source of solace. Aki, like me, is a strong and caring individual facing challenges in her business due to a recent move. I find myself supporting her not just for the sake of the restaurant but because we share a similar understanding of each other's struggles.

Our regular gatherings offer a space for candid conversations, allowing us to discover parallels in our lives. Recently, I pointed out a severe problem Aki was facing. she gave me a rice ball. One of my friend pointed out that my husband is "married to his work" instead of me, provided me a perspective.

so everyone once in a while, need a mirror and that mirror is your friend. 

As I navigate a challenging transition from being a technical writer to a yoga teacher, I am facing struggles alone. I need a confidence but how can I be confident?  Female in Japan are oppressed and has every reason to take our confidence away.. 

.Despite my husband's determination not to offer support, Aki has emerged as a great companion in this journey, demonstrating that relationships can form in unexpected places.

In Aki's restaurant, where everyone seems to share my experiences, I bring my friends, finding a sense of community and understanding that has been elusive elsewhere.