
Ogawayama a Climbing Guide

I could not find a proper Ogawayama climbing guide that I can send to my climber friends abroad so I think I should write some here.

1) Where is Ogawayama?

It's in Nagano Prefecture, in Kanto.  NOT in Tokyo. Tokyo is a maga city, it's huge and there are houses and houses...endlessly.  Think of Tokyo, a sort of Asian version of NY.  Although Tokyo has some smaller crags, like Okutama, most climbers in Tokyo metropolitan area, prefers to go to Ogawayama.

2) What is Ogawayama?

Ogawayama is considered a mecca in free climbing in Japan.

So the visitors in Japan has to pick up the only one place in Japan to climb, I would suggest it is Ogawayama.


Mawarime Taira Camp site in Kawakami village is where you want to go ultimately.  The station name  is "Shinano Kawakami".

3) OK, how do I get there?

There is several ways to get there.

Most popular is to get there by car from Tokyo, by car share. The negative side is car traffic jam. Like most big city, Tokyo's traffic jam is very bad, you can end up spending more time in car than in climbing itself. If there is not much traffic, from Tokyo to Ogawayama is 3.5 hours to 4 hours.  This option is good for local residents but most costly for visitors and probably very stressful.

To solve this problem, many people choose to get on a train.  Train you will have two choices.  To get there by Yamanashi side or Saku side.

To get there from Yamanashi side, you will have to get on Chuou Line (JR train). Chuo line has, express train called Azusa and if you get on Azusa, you can save time. Many student climbers prefer to pay less, spend time more on train, that case cost is relatively low, like half.

You will have to get off Kobuchi sawa JR station then transfer to Koumi Line, the go to Shinano Kawakami Station.

The problem is Koumi line is not so frequent enough... there will be a train  in a hour, so it will not be time efficient. So many people try to get hitch hike or car share  from the Kobuchi sawa Station. 

There is a bus from Shinano Kawakami to somewhat close to Mawarime Taira camp site but it does not goes to the camp site it self. So I think it is best you call cab from the station to Mawarime Taira camp site.

The other way is from Saku and there is Shinkansen (bullet train) from Tokyo to Saku, or a bus. Shinkansen is easy and comfortable and only takes about an hour.  Bus is cheap, a half price, double time.

From Sakutaira Shinkansen Station, you will have to transfer to Koumi Line and the rest is the same.

4) Where can I find topo?

Here is some Link.



5) Accommodation?

Kinpu sanso provides accommodation too. 6800 JPY for breakfast and dinner,  one night.

They will rent camping goods. 2000 yen for a tent including camping fee.

This illustrates situation well.

The cost is mostly train.

Tokkyu Azusa train, Tokyo to Kobuchi sawa, 4574 JPY.
Koumi line Kobuchi sawa station to Shinano Kawakami station.  580JPY

So about 10,000 yen for a round trip.


Tokyo To Sakudaira by Shinkansen 6540 JPY.  OR bus 2200 JPY.
Koumi line Sakutaira  station to Shinano Kawakami station.  760JPY.

So about 6,000 or 14,000 yen for a round trip.

Cab from Shinano Kawakami to Mawarimetaira Camp site is half an hour ride.

■ A model case (Sakudaira)

By Shinkansen

Tokyo - Sakudaira  6450 JPY  6:52 - 08:16

Koumi Line  Sakudaira to Shinano Kawakami  8:31 ‐9:57 760JPY

発着時間:06:28発 → 09:58着 
■東京 20番線発
|  はくたか551号(E7/W7系)(金沢行) 164.4km 
|  06:28-07:43[75分] 
|  3,670円( 指定席 3,520円 ) ◇佐久平 [48分待ち] 
|  小海線(小淵沢行) 40.0km |  08:31-09:58[87分] |   ↓ ■信濃川上
■ A Model case (Yamanashi Kobuchi sawa)

Shinjuku to Kobuchi sawa 06:43 ‐9:43 3024 JPY 

Kobuchi sawa to Shinano Kawakami 10:06 ‐ 10:51 580 JPY

発着時間:06:28発 → 10:51着 

 ■新宿 9番線発  
|  あずさ71号(松本行) 163.4km (Azusa) 
|  06:28-08:40[132分] 
|  3,670円( 指定席 2,200円 ) 
|  小海線(小諸行) 31.5km 
|  10:06-10:51[45分] 
|   ↓ ■信濃川上