
Iwara Mountain

I have gone to Iwara Mountain for an easy trail strolling with my female friend.

Since she was a beginner, I wanted to bring her to an easy mountain trail but beautiful place...

I thought it is Kujyu at first... but it was rainy day, I changed the plan to the place where we would stay under the woods for most of the time... Kujyu is too exposed I thought.  And I was right.

I love the exposed place but not in a rainy day...

Genkai Kansen No139
I think the success of fun hike is 99% upon where you chose to go.

It took us half an hour drive from Nishishin Subway station. I picked up her at 9:00 am.

Genkai Kansen No139 means we are walking in the trail for the power line from Genkai Nucluear power unit.

Power line Tower No139

 It's easy trail. You can even run!
 Soon it becomes like this, with sun it's so nice.

I love the feeling of exploring...

Top of the Iwara Mountain.

Here's how schedule went:  Staring at 10:00 am, at the top 13:00 and back at the same place at 15:00 pm. We've gone to Onsen(hot spring). Back at station around 18:00.  5 hours walk. Relaxed day.