
Full Metal Jacket:オスカーとの思い出

■Full Metal Jacket & AgroYoga


"Full metal Jacket 6a" was my very personal climb. I had climbed it with Tony last year and re-tried this year again with Oscar from Sweden.


Last year I had climbed with Tony, and after I got on a terrace, the draw kept turning to wrong side and I had to climb down so many times to tidy up the draw... it was the draw, that made the climb so difficult. I felt I can not fall in the draw unless I make it sure that will hold me, otherwise, I will hit the terrace.


This year, I wanted to climb the same problem again to see how I grow as a climber this year. The last year I was a total beginner but I felt I had done my share of endeavor so I wanted to see how it goes. 

Full metal jacket is power route, it is overhang and you need a power and move. 


This year, I was doing yoga alone and Oscar came by, and since he was also alone, we went off for a climbing for the last one for the day. 


He climbs 7a so we decided to climb 6b "AgroYoga" right next to "Full metal jacket" for him. we both kind of satisfied.


But to my surprise, 6B "AgroYoga" was so difficult, Oscar had a struggle till he got 2nd pin(draw).  

I tried and could not make it till 2nd draw. To get to first pin, it was already hard, you have to hang on your right arm only... wow! 

Wow! This is hard!  so we both cried!  


隣のクライマーが 「Do you need spotter?」と言ってスポッターに駆けつけてくれたくらい。スポットしないと、おちたら振られて、岩にぶつかる・・・のが怖くて登れない…(汗)

While I struggle, someone next to us came to spot me!  Because if I fail, I will be banged to the rock wall... so scary! 


After all, I spend so much time, I could not make it... just get tired and tired.


So Oscar had to go retrieve the draws... but even he had to struggle on top-rope. 


Then I went to my "Full metal Jacket 6a " and it was... disaster! It only has 6 bolts but I had to ask him to take me 6 times!

I was tooo tired already... 


I had on-sighted 6b a few days before this, and I felt I might be able to climb 6b already, somehow, without so much struggle... no way! I was just arrogant and stupid to think that way! I was just so completely being realized there are a lot to go...


After that, my best time came... Oscar was so gently talking about climbing... it is not just the grade, the fun of climbing is just so important and, sometimes 7A climber can struggle on 6b... it is no use of sticking to what does not make you happy...



It was a gift and advice from him... him who is better climber than me, who has just started....


Oscar was such a good looking man, and he was such a young gentleman!