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I self taught most of what I know now.

I self taught most of what I know now.

Entrance Exam

My first foray into self-study was for the junior high school entrance exam. An unconventional success story unfolded as I navigated a challenging entrance exam solely relying on knowledge from an encyclopedia, particularly mastering the trigonometric theorem without resorting to cram school attendance.

Self-Taught in learning English 

Commencing English learning during elementary school, I achieved EIKEN Level 4 in the first year of junior high school and Level 3 in the second year. Further accomplishments included obtaining EIKEN Level 2 and Level 1 in college, followed by a stint in California, culminating in a TOEIC score of 925 upon returning to Japan. Unsatisfied with achieving merely a near-perfect score, I continued refining my English skills through various means, such as attending international trade fairs, working in conference secretariats, technical writing, medical translation, sales at a foreign company, and public relations. I found shadowing very helpfull. Eventually interpreting for world class choreographer John Neumeier became my last part of my language journey.

Self-Taught in Programming

My second self-study adventure, initiated at the age of 14, involved learning programming language from a book called "Basic Language for Beginners." This led to a role as a software engineer at Panasonic, specializing in embedded engineering for seven years. My job encompassed localization, UI application programm, and software testing. Eventually, I successfully ventured into a sole proprietorship.

Exploration of Optimal Exercise (Ballet)

At age 19, I fulfilled a childhood dream by starting ballet at a small local studio. Over two decades, I continued taking ballet lessons, progressing to point work. Faced with physical challenges, I explored various approaches, including Alexander Technique, Synthomatics, and Pilates, before embracing yoga.

Exploration of Optimal Exercise (Yoga)

Following a miscarriage and relocation at 38, I transitioned from ballet to becoming a certified hatha yoga instructor. This marked the beginning of my yoga journey. Over six years at a local studio, I excelled as a top sales instructor and served as a voice personality at YBS Yamanashi Broadcasting for about a year.

Exploration of Optimal Mental Health (Rope Mountaineering)

As an extension of my meditation practice, I self-taught snow-capped mountain climbing. Recognizing the limitations of solo mountaineering, I participated in a leadership training course at the Nagano Prefectural Alpine Center. Woman were only 2 out of 35 men since 3 women left at a very first day. 

With  a tragic incident prompted the deletion of records from the my Yamareko database. Notable achievements include climbing Kaikoma Kurodo-ridge and the Amida North Ridge in winter solo.

Free Climbing

In the 1980s, late climber Kazumasa Yoshida was  a world-renowned figure by climbing Mars 5.14 a, the hardest of the world. I joined to his crack school. and belayed him for a short time. I met a second climbing mentor then. We climbed in Insubong, Korea, and Ice  expanding my climbing experience abroad.

Local economy and climbing tourism advocating

Over the past three years, I visited many local community and regional governments, using my business creation expertise. However, the lack of climbing-savvy officials has resulted in Japanese crags being borrowed without landlord's permission. I advocates for Japanese climbers to learn from the U.S. Access Fund to enhance knowledge around this area.

Freelance in Translation and Tour Guide Business

I am currently sole Japanese translator for TheCrag.com, I aim to showcase Japanese crags to the world when time is ripe. 

Climbers seeking to publish record climbs and don't know what to do, please feel free to contact me for assistance. 

Additionally, I work as a freelance personal tour guide, specializing in unique travel orders, including crags.

For Optimal Mental Health

With deep knowledge acquired through yoga exploration, I successfully applied meditation methods on students in my class, leading to three marriages. 

My culinary journey, starting at age 8, encompasses natural farming, rice and wheats, and diverse dietary transitions, including a shift to veganism after 30 years of lacto-ovo vegetarianism to vegan.

Nutrition Optimization Consultant

Currently I am studying to become a Orthomolecular Nutrition Adviser and Coach, I aspire to offer comprehensive lifestyle support through exercise, food, nature activities, and meditation. Specialized areas include sports and nutrition, mental health and nutrition, recovery from vegetarianism,  frailty prevention, and depression recovery.

Current Interests

My hobbies include swimming, particularly the butterfly stroke  and extensive reading. A perennial reader, I consumes over 10 books a week, leading to perpetually stiff shoulders. 

I welcome companions for overseas climbing expeditions, particularly those confident in belaying.

                      Jam Jam 84 in Syosenkyo 3 pitch mostly 5.10a