5 scars

Abandonment: This wound is associated with feelings of rejection, neglect, or abandonment. People with this wound may fear being alone or abandoned and may develop patterns of clinginess or dependence.

Rejection: This wound involves the fear of not being accepted or valued by others. Those with a rejection wound may engage in people-pleasing behavior and have difficulty asserting themselves.

Humiliation: The humiliation wound is linked to feelings of shame and embarrassment. Individuals with this wound may go to great lengths to avoid criticism or embarrassment and may struggle with self-esteem.

Injustice: This wound is related to a perceived sense of unfairness or injustice. People with an injustice wound may have a strong sense of right and wrong and may become upset when they perceive things as unjust.

Betrayal: The betrayal wound involves a fear of being betrayed or deceived by others. Those with this wound may have difficulty trusting others and may be overly vigilant in relationships.